

The interface is based on the HTTP protocol; therefore, you can use any HTTP library with it. You can use a simple command-line client like curl.

To be able to use the interface, a web service user is required. You can create this user in Robot via the user menu in the upper right corner under "Settings" -> "Web service and app settings".



Error format

    "status": 404,
    "code": "BOOT_NOT_AVAILABLE",
    "message": "No boot configuration available for this server"
error (Object)
status (Integer) HTTP Status Code
code (String) Specific error code
message (String) Specific error message

Error format invalid input

error (Object)
status (Integer) 400
code (String) INVALID_INPUT
message (String) invalid input
missing (Array) Array of missing input parameters or null
invalid (Array) Array of invalid input paramaters or null

Authentication error

If authentication fails, the HTTP status "401 - Unauthorized" is returned. Please note that the IP from which you attempt to access will be blocked for 10 minutes after 3 failed login attempts.

Request limit

If the request limit is reached, the HTTP status "403 - Forbidden" is returned.

Error format request limit

error (Object)
status (Integer) 403
max_request (Integer) Maximum allowed requests
interval (Integer) Time interval in seconds
message (String) rate limit exceeded

Unavailability due to maintenance

If the webservice is unavailable due to maintenance, the HTTP Status "503 - Service Unavailable" is returned.


GET /server

curl -u "user:password"
      "product":"DS 3000",
      "traffic":"5 TB",
      "traffic":"2 TB",


Query data of all servers

Request limit

200 requests per 1 hour


server (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_ipv6_net (String) Server main IPv6 net address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
server_name (String) Server name
product (String) Server product name
dc (String) Data center
traffic (String) Free traffic quota, 'unlimited' in case of unlimited traffic
status (String) Server status ("ready" or "in process")
cancelled (Boolean) Status of server cancellation
paid_until (String) Paid until date
ip (Array) Array of assigned single IP addresses
subnet (Array) Array of assigned subnets


Status Code Description
404 SERVER_NOT_FOUND No server found

GET /server/{server-number}

curl -u "user:password"
    "product":"EQ 8",
    "traffic":"5 TB",


Query server data for a specific server

Request limit

200 requests per 1 hour


server (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_ipv6_net (String) Server main IPv6 net address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
server_name (String) Server name
product (String) Server product name
dc (String) Data center
traffic (String) Free traffic quota, 'unlimited' in case of unlimited traffic
status (String) Server status ("ready" or "in process")
cancelled (Boolean) Status of server cancellation
paid_until (String) Paid until date
ip (Array) Array of assigned single IP addresses
subnet (Array) Array of assigned subnets
reset (Boolean) Flag of reset system availability
rescue (Boolean) Flag of Rescue System availability
vnc (Boolean) Flag of VNC installation availability
windows (Boolean) Flag of Windows installation availability
plesk (Boolean) Flag of Plesk installation availability
cpanel (Boolean) Flag of cPanel installation availability
wol (Boolean) Flag of Wake On Lan availability
hot_swap (Boolean) Flag of Hot Swap availability
linked_storagebox (Integer) Linked Storage Box ID


Status Code Description
404 SERVER_NOT_FOUND Server with id {server-number} not found


@deprecated GET /server/{server-ip} The main IPv4 address may be used alternatively to specify the server.

POST /server/{server-number}

curl -u "user:password" -d server_name=server1
    "product":"EQ 8",
    "traffic":"5 TB",


Update server name for a specific server

Request limit

200 requests per 1 hour


Name Description
server_name Server name


server (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_ipv6_net (String) Server main IPv6 net address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
server_name (String) Server name
product (String) Server product name
dc (String) Data center
traffic (String) Free traffic quota, 'unlimited' in case of unlimited traffic
status (String) Server status ("ready" or "in process")
cancelled (Boolean) Status of server cancellation
paid_until (String) Paid until date
ip (Array) Array of assigned single IP addresses
subnet (Array) Array of assigned subnets
reset (Boolean) Flag of reset system availability
rescue (Boolean) Flag of Rescue System availability
vnc (Boolean) Flag of VNC installation availability
windows (Boolean) Flag of Windows installation availability
plesk (Boolean) Flag of Plesk installation availability
cpanel (Boolean) Flag of cPanel installation availability
wol (Boolean) Flag of Wake On Lan availability
hot_swap (Boolean) Flag of Hot Swap availability
linked_storagebox (Integer) Linked Storage Box ID


Status Code Description
400 INVALID_INPUT Invalid input parameters
404 SERVER_NOT_FOUND Server with id {server-number} not found


@deprecated POST /server/{server-ip} The main IPv4 address may be used alternatively to specify the server.

GET /server/{server-number}/cancellation

curl -u "user:password"
      "Upgrade to a new server",
      "Dissatisfied with the hardware",
      "Dissatisfied with the support",
      "Dissatisfied with the network",
      "Dissatisfied with the IP\/subnet allocation",
      "Dissatisfied with the Robot webinterface",
      "Dissatisfied with the official Terms and Conditions",
      "Server no longer necessary due to project ending",
      "Server too expensive"


Query cancellation data for a server

Request limit

200 requests per 1 hour


cancellation (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_ipv6_net (String) Server main IPv6 net address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
server_name (String) Server name
earliest_cancellation_date (String) Earliest possible cancellation date, format yyyy-MM-dd
cancelled (Boolean) Status of server cancellation
reservation_possible (Boolean) Indicates whether the current server location is eligible for reservation after server cancellation
reservation (Boolean) Indicates whether the current server location will be reserved after server cancellation
cancellation_date (String) Cancellation date if cancellation is active, format yyyy-MM-dd, otherwise null
cancellation_reason (Array|String) Array of possible cancellation reasons or cancellation reason if cancellation is active


Status Code Description
404 SERVER_NOT_FOUND Server with id {server-number} not found


@deprecated GET /server/{server-ip}/cancellation The main IPv4 address may be used alternatively to specify the server.

POST /server/{server-number}/cancellation

curl -u "user:password" -d 'cancellation_date=2014-04-15'


Cancel a server

Request limit

200 requests per 1 hour


Name Description
cancellation_date Date to which the server should be cancelled or "now" to cancel immediately
cancellation_reason Cancellation reason, optional
reserve_location Whether server location shall be reserved ('true' or 'false')


cancellation (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_ipv6_net (String) Server main IPv6 net address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
server_name (String) Server name
earliest_cancellation_date (String) Earliest possible cancellation date, format yyyy-MM-dd
cancelled (Boolean) Status of server cancellation
reserved (Boolean) Indicates whether the current server location will be reserved after server cancellation
reservation_possible (Boolean) Indicates whether the current server location is eligible for reservation after server cancellation
cancellation_date (String) Cancellation date, format yyyy-MM-dd
cancellation_reason (String) Cancellation reason or null


Status Code Description
404 SERVER_NOT_FOUND Server with id {server-number} not found
409 CONFLICT The server is already cancelled
409 CONFLICT Cancellation of server is not possible because of active transfer
409 SERVER_CANCELLATION_RESERVE_LOCATION_FALSE_ONLY It is not possible to reserve the location. Remove parameter reserve_location or set value to 'false'
500 INTERNAL_ERROR Cancellation failed due to an internal error


@deprecated POST /server/{server-ip}/cancellation The main IPv4 address may be used alternatively to specify the server.

DELETE /server/{server-number}/cancellation

curl -u "user:password" -X DELETE


Withdraw a server cancellation

Request limit

200 requests per 1 hour


No output


Status Code Description
404 SERVER_NOT_FOUND Server with id {server-number} not found
409 CONFLICT The cancellation cannot be revoked
500 INTERNAL_ERROR Cancellation revocation failed due to an internal error


@deprecated DELETE /server/{server-ip}/cancellation The main IPv4 address may be used alternatively to specify the server.


GET /ip

curl -u "user:password"


Query list of all single IP addresses

Request limit

5000 requests per 1 hour

Input (optional)

Name Description
server_ip Server main IP address, show only IP addresses assigned to this server


ip (Object)
ip (String) IP address
server_ip (String) Servers main IP address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
locked (Boolean) Status of locking
separate_mac (String) Separate MAC address, if not set null
traffic_warnings (Boolean) True if traffic warnings are enabled
traffic_hourly (Integer) Hourly traffic limit in MB
traffic_daily (Integer) Daily traffic limit in MB
traffic_monthly (Integer) Monthly traffic limit in GB


Status Code Description
404 NOT_FOUND No IP addresses found

GET /ip/{ip}

curl -u "user:password"


Query data for a specific IP address

Request limit

5000 requests per 1 hour


ip (Object)
ip (String) IP address
gateway (String) Gateway
mask (Integer) Subnet mask in CIDR notation
broadcast (String) Broadcast address
server_ip (String) Servers main IP address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
locked (Boolean) Status of locking
separate_mac (String) Separate MAC address, if not set null
traffic_warnings (Boolean) True if traffic warnings are enabled
traffic_hourly (Integer) Hourly traffic limit in MB
traffic_daily (Integer) Daily traffic limit in MB
traffic_monthly (Integer) Monthly traffic limit in GB


Status Code Description
404 IP_NOT_FOUND No IP addresses found

POST /ip/{ip}

curl -u "user:password" -d traffic_warnings=true


Update traffic warning options for an IP address

Request limit

5000 requests per 1 hour


Name Description
traffic_warnings Enable/disable traffic warnings (true,false)
traffic_hourly Hourly traffic limit in MB
traffic_daily Daily traffic limit in MB
traffic_monthly Monthly traffic limit in GB


ip (Object)
ip (String) IP address
gateway (String) Gateway
mask (Integer) Subnet mask in CIDR notation
broadcast (String) Broadcast address
server_ip (String) Servers main IP address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
locked (Boolean) Status of locking
separate_mac (String) Separate MAC address, if not set null
traffic_warnings (Boolean) True if traffic warnings are enabled
traffic_hourly (Integer) Hourly traffic limit in MB
traffic_daily (Integer) Daily traffic limit in MB
traffic_monthly (Integer) Monthly traffic limit in GB


Status Code Description
400 INVALID_INPUT Invalid input parameters
404 IP_NOT_FOUND No IP addresses found
500 TRAFFIC_WARNING_UPDATE_FAILED Updating traffic warning options failed due to an internal error

GET /ip/{ip}/mac

curl -u "user:password"


Query if it is possible to set a separate MAC address.Returns the MAC address if it is set.

Request limit

5000 requests per 1 hour


mac (Object)
ip (String) IP address
mac (String) MAC address


Status Code Description
404 IP_NOT_FOUND IP address not found
404 MAC_NOT_FOUND There is no separate MAC address set
404 MAC_NOT_AVAILABLE For this IP address it is not possible to set a separate MAC address

PUT /ip/{ip}/mac

curl -u "user:password"  -X PUT


Generate a separate MAC address

Request limit

10 requests per 1 hour


No input


mac (Object)
ip (String) IP address
mac (String) MAC address


Status Code Description
404 IP_NOT_FOUND IP address not found
404 MAC_NOT_AVAILABLE For this IP address it is not possible to set a separate MAC address
409 MAC_ALREADY_SET There is already a separate MAC address set
500 MAC_FAILED The separate MAC address could not be generated due to an internal error

DELETE /ip/{ip}/mac

curl -u "user:password" -X DELETE


Remove a separate MAC address

Request limit

10 requests per 1 hour


No input


mac (Object)
ip (String) IP address
mac (String) null


Status Code Description
404 IP_NOT_FOUND IP address not found
404 MAC_NOT_AVAILABLE For this IP address it is not possible to set a separate MAC address
409 MAC_NOT_FOUND There is no separate MAC address set
500 MAC_FAILED The separate MAC address could not be removed due to an internal error

GET /ip/{ip}/cancellation

curl -u "user:password"


Query cancellation data for an IP

Request limit

200 requests per 1 hour


cancellation (Object)
ip (String) IP address
server_number (String) Server ID
earliest_cancellation_date (String) Earliest possible cancellation date, format yyyy-MM-dd
cancelled (Boolean) This shows whether or not the IP has been earmarked for cancellation.
cancellation_date (String) Cancellation date if cancellation is active, format yyyy-MM-dd, otherwise null


Status Code Description
404 IP_NOT_FOUND IP address not found
409 CONFLICT It's not possible to cancel this IP.

POST /ip/{ip}/cancellation

curl -u "user:password" \


Cancel an IP address

Request limit

200 requests per 1 hour


Name Description
cancellation_date Date which you want the IP cancellation to go into effect or "now" to cancel immediately


cancellation (Object)
ip (String) IP address
server_number (String) Server ID
earliest_cancellation_date (String) Earliest possible cancellation date, format yyyy-MM-dd
cancelled (Boolean) This shows whether or not the IP has been earmarked for cancellation.
cancellation_date (String) Cancellation date if cancellation is active, format yyyy-MM-dd, otherwise null


Status Code Description
400 INVALID_INPUT Invalid input parameters
404 IP_NOT_FOUND IP address not found
409 CONFLICT The IP address cannot be cancelled due to the reason mentioned in the error message.

DELETE /ip/{ip}/cancellation

curl -u "user:password" -X DELETE


Revoke an IP cancellation

Request limit

200 requests per 1 hour


No input


cancellation (Object)
ip (String) IP address
server_number (String) Server ID
earliest_cancellation_date (String) Earliest possible cancellation date, format yyyy-MM-dd
cancelled (Boolean) This shows whether or not the IP has been earmarked for cancellation.
cancellation_date (String) Cancellation date if cancellation is active, format yyyy-MM-dd, otherwise null


Status Code Description
404 IP_NOT_FOUND IP address not found
409 CONFLICT The IP address cancellation cannot be revoked due to the reason mentioned in the error message.


GET /subnet

curl -u "user:password"


Query list of all subnets

Request limit

5000 requests per 1 hour

Input (optional)

Name Description
server_ip Server main IP address, show only subnets assigned to this server


subnet (Object)
ip (String) IP address
mask (Integer) Subnet mask in CIDR notation
gateway (String) Subnet gateway
server_ip (String) Servers main IP address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
failover (Boolean) True if subnet is a failover subnet
locked (Boolean) Status of locking
traffic_warnings (Boolean) True if traffic warnings are enabled
traffic_hourly (Integer) Hourly traffic limit in MB
traffic_daily (Integer) Daily traffic limit in MB
traffic_monthly (Integer) Monthly traffic limit in GB


Status Code Description
404 NOT_FOUND No subnets found

GET /subnet/{net-ip}

curl -u "user:password"


Query data of a specific subnet

Request limit

5000 requests per 1 hour


subnet (Object)
ip (String) IP address
mask (Integer) Subnet mask in CIDR notation
gateway (String) Subnet gateway
server_ip (String) Servers main IP address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
failover (Boolean) True if subnet is a failover subnet
locked (Boolean) Status of locking
traffic_warnings (Boolean) True if traffic warnings are enabled
traffic_hourly (Integer) Hourly traffic limit in MB
traffic_daily (Integer) Daily traffic limit in MB
traffic_monthly (Integer) Monthly traffic limit in GB


Status Code Description
404 SUBNET_NOT_FOUND Subnet not found

POST /subnet/{net-ip}

curl -u "user:password" -d traffic_warnings=true


Update traffic warning options for an subnet

Request limit

5000 requests per 1 hour


Name Description
traffic_warnings Enable/disable traffic warnings (true,false)
traffic_hourly Hourly traffic limit in MB
traffic_daily Daily traffic limit in MB
traffic_monthly Monthly traffic limit in GB


subnet (Object)
ip (String) IP address
mask (Integer) Subnet mask in CIDR notation
gateway (String) Subnet gateway
server_ip (String) Servers main IP address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
failover (Boolean) True if subnet is a failover subnet
locked (Boolean) Status of locking
traffic_warnings (Boolean) True if traffic warnings are enabled
traffic_hourly (Integer) Hourly traffic limit in MB
traffic_daily (Integer) Daily traffic limit in MB
traffic_monthly (Integer) Monthly traffic limit in GB


Status Code Description
400 INVALID_INPUT Invalid input parameters
404 SUBNET_NOT_FOUND Subnet not found
500 TRAFFIC_WARNING_UPDATE_FAILED Updating traffic warning options failed due to an internal error

GET /subnet/{net-ip}/mac

curl -u "user:password"


Query if it is possible to set a separate MAC address.

Request limit

5000 requests per 1 hour


mac (Object)
ip (String) IP address
mask (String) Subnet mask in CIDR notation
mac (String) MAC address
possible_mac (Object) Possible MAC addresses


Status Code Description
404 SUBNET_NOT_FOUND Subnet not found
404 MAC_NOT_AVAILABLE For this IP address it is not possible to set a separate MAC address

PUT /subnet/{net-ip}/mac

curl -u "user:password" -X PUT -d 'mac=00:21:85:62:3e:9d'


Generate a separate MAC address

Request limit

10 requests per 1 hour


Name Description
mac Target MAC address


mac (Object)
ip (String) IP address
mask (String) Subnet mask in CIDR notation
mac (String) MAC address
possible_mac (Object) Possible MAC addresses


Status Code Description
404 SUBNET_NOT_FOUND Subnet not found
404 MAC_NOT_AVAILABLE For this IP address it is not possible to set a separate MAC address
500 MAC_FAILED The separate MAC address could not be generated due to an internal error

DELETE /subnet/{net-ip}/mac

curl -u "user:password" -X DELETE


Remove a separate MAC address and set it to the default value (The MAC address of the servers main IP address).### Request limit

10 requests per 1 hour


No input


mac (Object)
ip (String) IP address
mask (String) Subnet mask in CIDR notation
mac (String) MAC address
possible_mac (Object) Possible MAC addresses


Status Code Description
404 SUBNET_NOT_FOUND Subnet not found
404 MAC_NOT_AVAILABLE For this IP address it is not possible to set a separate MAC address
500 MAC_FAILED The separate MAC address could not be removed due to an internal error

GET /subnet/{net-ip}/cancellation

curl -u "user:password"


Query cancellation data for a subnet

Request limit

200 requests per 1 hour


cancellation (Object)
ip (String) IP address
mask (String) Subnet mask in CIDR notation
server_number (String) Server ID
earliest_cancellation_date (String) Earliest possible cancellation date, format yyyy-MM-dd
cancelled (Boolean) This shows whether or not the subnet is earmarked for cancellation.
cancellation_date (String) Cancellation date if cancellation is active, format yyyy-MM-dd, otherwise null


Status Code Description
404 IP_NOT_FOUND Subnet not found
409 CONFLICT It is not possible to cancel this subnet.

POST /subnet/{net-ip}/cancellation

curl -u "user:password" \


Cancel a subnet

Request limit

200 requests per 1 hour


Name Description
cancellation_date Date which you want the subnet cancellation to go into effect or "now" to cancel immediately


cancellation (Object)
ip (String) IP address
mask (String) Subnet mask in CIDR notation
server_number (String) Server ID
earliest_cancellation_date (String) Earliest possible cancellation date, format yyyy-MM-dd
cancelled (Boolean) This shows whether or not the subnet is earmarked for cancellation.
cancellation_date (String) Cancellation date if cancellation is active, format yyyy-MM-dd, otherwise null


Status Code Description
400 INVALID_INPUT Invalid input parameters
404 IP_NOT_FOUND Subnet not found
409 CONFLICT The subnet cannot be cancelled due to the reason mentioned in the error message.

DELETE /subnet/{ip}/cancellation

curl -u "user:password" -X DELETE


Revoke a subnet cancellation

Request limit

200 requests per 1 hour


No input


cancellation (Object)
ip (String) IP address
mask (String) Subnet mask in CIDR notation
server_number (String) Server ID
earliest_cancellation_date (String) Earliest possible cancellation date, format yyyy-MM-dd
cancelled (Boolean) This shows whether or not the subnet is earmarked for cancellation.
cancellation_date (String) Cancellation date if cancellation is active, format yyyy-MM-dd, otherwise null


Status Code Description
404 IP_NOT_FOUND Subnet not found
409 CONFLICT The subnet cancellation cannot be revoked due to the reason mentioned in the error message.


GET /reset

curl -u "user:password"


Query reset options for all servers

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


reset (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_ipv6_net (String) Server main IPv6 net address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
type (Array) Available reset options


Status Code Description
404 NOT_FOUND No servers with reset option found

GET /reset/{server-number}

Query a server on which software reboots can be performed via the web service

curl -u "user:password"
    "operating_status":"not supported"

Query a server on which the operating status of the server can be queried via the web service or on which the power button can be operated via the web service

curl -u "user:password"


Query reset options for a specific server

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


reset (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_ipv6_net (String) Server main IPv6 net address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
type (Array) Available reset options
operating_status (String) Current operating status of the server


Status Code Description
404 SERVER_NOT_FOUND Server with id {server-number} not found
404 RESET_NOT_AVAILABLE The server has no reset option


@deprecated GET /reset/{server-ip} The main IPv4 address may be used alternatively to specify the server.

POST /reset/{server-number}

curl -u "user:password" -d type=hw


Execute reset on specific server

Request limit

50 requests per hour


Name Description
type Reset type to execute


reset (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_ipv6_net (String) Server main IPv6 net address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
type (String) Executed reset option


Status Code Description
400 INVALID_INPUT Invalid input parameters
404 SERVER_NOT_FOUND Server with id {server-number} not found
404 RESET_NOT_AVAILABLE The server has no reset option
409 RESET_MANUAL_ACTIVE There is already a running manual reset
500 RESET_FAILED Resetting failed due to an internal error


@deprecated POST /reset/{server-ip} The main IPv4 address may be used alternatively to specify the server.


GET /failover

curl -u "user:password"


Query failover data for all servers

Request limit

100 requests per 1 hour


failover (Object)
ip (String) Failover net address
netmask (String) Failover netmask
server_ip (String) Main IP of related server
server_ipv6_net (String) Main IPv6 net of related server
server_number (Integer) Server ID
active_server_ip (String) Main IP of current destination server


Status Code Description
404 NOT_FOUND No failover IP addresses found

GET /failover/{failover-ip}


curl -u "user:password"


curl -u "user:password"


Query specific failover IP address data

Request limit

100 requests per 1 hour


failover (Object)
ip (String) Failover net address
netmask (String) Failover netmask
server_ip (String) Main IP of related server
server_ipv6_net (String) Main IPv6 net of related server
server_number (Integer) Server ID
active_server_ip (String) Main IP of current destination server


Status Code Description
404 NOT_FOUND Failover IP address not found

POST /failover/{failover-ip}


curl -u "user:password" \
-d active_server_ip=


curl -u "user:password" \
-d active_server_ip=2a01:4f8:0:5176::


Switch routing of failover IP address to another server

Request limit

50 requests per hour


Name Description
active_server_ip Main IP address of the server where the failover IP should be routed to.


failover (Object)
ip (String) Failover net address
netmask (String) Failover netmask
server_ip (String) Main IP of related server
server_ipv6_net (String) Main IPv6 net of related server
server_number (Integer) Server ID
active_server_ip (String) Main IP of current destination server


Status Code Description
400 INVALID_INPUT Invalid input parameters
404 NOT_FOUND Failover IP address not found
404 FAILOVER_NEW_SERVER_NOT_FOUND Destination server not found
409 FAILOVER_ALREADY_ROUTED The failover IP address is already routed to the selected server
409 FAILOVER_LOCKED Switching the failover IP address is blocked due to another active request
500 FAILOVER_FAILED Due to an internal error switching of the failover IP address failed
500 FAILOVER_NOT_COMPLETE Due to an internal error switching of the failover IP address failed

DELETE /failover/{failover-ip}


curl -u "user:password" -X DELETE


curl -u "user:password" -X DELETE


Delete the routing of a failover IP

Request limit

50 requests per hour


failover (Object)
ip (String) Failover net address
netmask (String) Failover netmask
server_ip (String) Main IP of related server
server_ipv6_net (String) Main IPv6 net of related server
server_number (Integer) Server ID
active_server_ip (String) Main IP of current destination server


Status Code Description
404 NOT_FOUND Failover IP address not found
409 FAILOVER_LOCKED Deleting the failover IP routing is blocked due to another active request
500 FAILOVER_FAILED Due to an internal error deleting the failover IP routing failed
500 FAILOVER_NOT_COMPLETE Due to an internal error deleting the failover IP routing failed

Wake on LAN

GET /wol/{server-number}

curl -u "user:password"


Query Wake On LAN data

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


wol (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_ipv6_net (String) Server main IPv6 net address
server_number (Integer) Server ID


Status Code Description
404 SERVER_NOT_FOUND Server not found
404 WOL_NOT_AVAILABLE Wake On LAN is not available on this server


@deprecated GET /wol/{server-ip} The main IPv4 address may be used alternatively to specify the server.

POST /wol/{server-number}

curl -u "user:password" -d ''


Send Wake On LAN packet to server

Request limit

10 requests per 1 hour


wol (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_ipv6_net (String) Server main IPv6 net address
server_number (Integer) Server ID


Status Code Description
404 SERVER_NOT_FOUND Server not found
404 WOL_NOT_AVAILABLE Wake On LAN is not available on this server
500 WOL_FAILED Sending Wake On LAN packet failed due to an internal error


@deprecated POST /wol/{server-ip} The main IPv4 address may be used alternatively to specify the server.

Boot configuration

GET /boot/{server-number}

curl -u "user:password"
      "@deprecated arch":[


        "CentOS 5.5 minimal",
        "Debian 7.8 minimal"
      "@deprecated arch":[


      "@deprecated arch":[
        "CentOS 5.4 minimal",
        "Debian 7.8 minimal"
      "@deprecated arch":[
        "CentOS 5.6 + cPanel"
      "@deprecated arch":[


Query the current boot configuration status for a server. There can be only one configuration active at any time for one server.

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


boot (Object)
rescue (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_ipv6_net (String) Server main IPv6 net address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
os (Array|String) Array of available operating systems or the active operating system
@deprecated arch (Array|Integer) Array of available architectures or the active architecture
active (Boolean) Current Rescue System status
password (String) Current Rescue System root password or null
authorized_key (Array) Authorized public SSH keys
host_key (Array) Host keys
linux (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_ipv6_net (String) Server main IPv6 net address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
dist (Array|String) Array of available distributions or the active distributon
@deprecated arch (Array|Integer) Array of available architectures or the active architecture
lang (Array|String) Array of available languages or the active language
active (Boolean) Current Linux installation status
password (String) Current Linux installation password or null
authorized_key (Array) Authorized public SSH keys
host_key (Array) Host keys
vnc (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_ipv6_net (String) Server main IPv6 net address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
dist (Array|String) Array of available distributions or the active distributon
@deprecated arch (Array|Integer) Array of available architectures or the active architecture
lang (Array|String) Array of available languages or the active language
active (Boolean) Current VNC installation status
password (String) Current VNC installation password or null
windows (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_ipv6_net (String) Server main IPv6 net address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
dist (Array|String) Array of available distributions or the active distributon
@deprecated arch (Array|Integer) Array of available architectures or the active architecture
lang (Array|String) Array of available languages or the active language
active (Boolean) Current Windows installation status
password (String) Current Windows installation password or null
plesk (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_ipv6_net (String) Server main IPv6 net address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
dist (Array|String) Array of available distributions or the active distributon
@deprecated arch (Array|Integer) Array of available architectures or the active architecture
lang (Array|String) Array of available languages or the active language
active (Boolean) Current Plesk installation status
password (String) Current Plesk installation password or null
hostname (String) Current Plesk installation hostname or null
cpanel (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_ipv6_net (String) Server main IPv6 net address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
dist (Array|String) Array of available distributions or the active distributon
@deprecated arch (Array|Integer) Array of available architectures or the active architecture
lang (Array|String) Array of available languages or the active language
active (Boolean) Current cPanel installation status
password (String) Current cPanel installation password or null
hostname (String) Current cPanel installation hostname or null


Status Code Description
404 SERVER_NOT_FOUND Server with id {server-number} not found
404 BOOT_NOT_AVAILABLE No boot configuration available for this server


@deprecated GET /boot/{server-ip} The main IPv4 address may be used alternatively to specify the server.

GET /boot/{server-number}/rescue

curl -u "user:password"
    "@deprecated arch":[




Query boot options for the Rescue System

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


rescue (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_ipv6_net (String) Server main IPv6 net address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
os (Array|String) Array of available operating systems or the active operating system
@deprecated arch (Array|Integer) Array of available architectures or the active architecture
active (Boolean) Current Rescue System status
password (String) Current Rescue System root password or null
authorized_key (Array) Authorized public SSH keys
host_key (Array) Host keys


Status Code Description
404 SERVER_NOT_FOUND Server with id {server-number} not found
404 BOOT_NOT_AVAILABLE No boot configuration available for this server


@deprecated GET /boot/{server-ip}/rescue The main IPv4 address may be used alternatively to specify the server.

POST /boot/{server-number}/rescue

curl -u "user:password" -d 'os=linux'
    "@deprecated arch":32,


# Optionally, you can specify multiple authorized SSH keys:
curl -u "user:password" -d 'os=linux&authorized_key[]=<fingerprint>'


Activate Rescue System

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


Name Description
os Operating System
@deprecated arch Architecture (optional, default: 64)
authorized_key One or more SSH key fingerprints (optional)
keyboard Desired keyboard layout (optional, default: us)


rescue (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_ipv6_net (String) Server main IPv6 net address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
os (String) Operating system
@deprecated arch (Integer) Architecture
active (Boolean) true
password (String) Rescue System root password
authorized_key (Array) Authorized public SSH keys
host_key (Array) Host keys


Status Code Description
400 INVALID_INPUT Invalid input parameters
404 SERVER_NOT_FOUND Server with id {server-number} not found
404 BOOT_NOT_AVAILABLE No boot configuration available for this server
500 BOOT_ACTIVATION_FAILED Activation of the Rescue System failed due to an internal error


@deprecated POST /boot/{server-ip}/rescue The main IPv4 address may be used alternatively to specify the server.

DELETE /boot/{server-number}/rescue

curl -u "user:password" -X DELETE
    "@deprecated arch":[




Deactivate Rescue System

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


rescue (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_ipv6_net (String) Server main IPv6 net address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
os (Array) Array of available operating systems
@deprecated arch (Array) Array of available architectures
active (Boolean) false
password (String) null
authorized_key (Array) Authorized public SSH keys
host_key (Array) Host keys


Status Code Description
404 SERVER_NOT_FOUND Server with id {server-number} not found
404 BOOT_NOT_AVAILABLE No boot configuration available for this server
500 BOOT_DEACTIVATION_FAILED Deactivation of the Rescue System failed due to an internal error


@deprecated POST /boot/{server-ip}/rescue -X DELETE The main IPv4 address may be used alternatively to specify the server.

GET /boot/{server-number}/rescue/last

curl -u "user:password"
    "@deprecated arch":64,




Show data of last rescue activation

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


rescue (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_ipv6_net (String) Server main IPv6 net address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
os (String) Operating system
@deprecated arch (Integer) Architecture
active (Boolean) Current Rescue System status
password (String) Current Rescue System root password or null
authorized_key (Array) Authorized public SSH keys
host_key (Array) Host keys


Status Code Description
404 SERVER_NOT_FOUND Server with id {server-number} not found
404 BOOT_NOT_AVAILABLE No boot configuration available for this server

GET /boot/{server-number}/linux

curl -u "user:password"
      "CentOS 5.5 minimal",
      "Debian 7.8 minimal"
    "@deprecated arch":[




Query boot options for the Linux installation

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


linux (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_ipv6_net (String) Server main IPv6 net address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
dist (Array|String) Array of available distributions or the active distributon
@deprecated arch (Array|Integer) Array of available architectures or the active architecture
lang (Array|String) Array of available languages or the active language
active (Boolean) Current Linux installation status
password (String) Current Linux installation password or null
authorized_key (Array) Authorized public SSH keys
host_key (Array) Host keys


Status Code Description
404 SERVER_NOT_FOUND Server with id {server-number} not found
404 BOOT_NOT_AVAILABLE No boot configuration available for this server


@deprecated GET /boot/{server-ip}/linux The main IPv4 address may be used alternatively to specify the server.

POST /boot/{server-number}/linux

curl -u "user:password" -d 'dist=CentOS 5.5 minimal&lang=en'
    "dist":"CentOS 5.5 minimal",
    "@deprecated arch":32,


# Optionally, you can specify multiple authorized SSH keys:
curl -u "user:password" -d 'dist=CentOS 5.5 minimal&lang=en&authorized_key[]=<fingerprint>'


Activate Linux installation

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


Name Description
dist Distribution
@deprecated arch Architecture (optional, default: 64)
lang Language
authorized_key One or more SSH key fingerprints (optional)


linux (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_ipv6_net (String) Server main IPv6 net address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
dist (String) Distribution
@deprecated arch (Integer) Architecture
lang (String) Language
active (Boolean) true
password (String) Linux installation password
authorized_key (Array) Authorized public SSH keys
host_key (Array) Host keys


Status Code Description
400 INVALID_INPUT Invalid input parameters
404 SERVER_NOT_FOUND Server with id {server-number} not found
404 BOOT_NOT_AVAILABLE No boot configuration available for this server
500 BOOT_ACTIVATION_FAILED Activation of the Linux installation failed due to an internal error


@deprecated POST /boot/{server-ip}/linux The main IPv4 address may be used alternatively to specify the server.

DELETE /boot/{server-number}/linux

curl -u "user:password" -X DELETE
      "CentOS 5.5 minimal",
      "Debian 7.8 minimal"
    "@deprecated arch":[




Deactivate Linux installation

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


linux (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
dist (Array) Array of available distributions
@deprecated arch (Array) Array of available architectures
lang (Array) Array of available languages
active (Boolean) false
password (String) null
authorized_key (Array) Authorized public SSH keys
host_key (Array) Host keys


Status Code Description
404 SERVER_NOT_FOUND Server with id {server-number} not found
404 BOOT_NOT_AVAILABLE No boot configuration available for this server
500 BOOT_DEACTIVATION_FAILED Deactivation of the Linux installation failed due to an internal error


@deprecated POST /boot/{server-ip}/linux -X DELETE The main IPv4 address may be used alternatively to specify the server.

GET /boot/{server-number}/linux/last

curl -u "user:password"
    "dist":"CentOS 5.5 minimal",
    "@deprecated arch":32,




Show data of last Linux installation

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


linux (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_ipv6_net (String) Server main IPv6 net address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
dist (String) Distribution
@deprecated arch (Integer) Architecture
lang (String) Language
active (Boolean) Linux installation status
password (String) Linux installation password or null
authorized_key (Array) Authorized public SSH keys
host_key (Array) Host keys


Status Code Description
404 SERVER_NOT_FOUND Server with id {server-number} not found
404 BOOT_NOT_AVAILABLE No boot configuration available for this server


@deprecated GET /boot/{server-ip}/linux/last The main IPv4 address may be used alternatively to specify the server.

GET /boot/{server-number}/vnc

curl -u "user:password"
    "@deprecated arch":[


Query boot options for the VNC installation

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


vnc (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_ipv6_net (String) Server main IPv6 net address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
dist (Array|String) Array of available distributions or the active distributon
@deprecated arch (Array|Integer) Array of available architectures or the active architecture
lang (Array|String) Array of available languages or the active language
active (Boolean) Current VNC installation status
password (String) Current VNC installation password or null


Status Code Description
404 SERVER_NOT_FOUND Server with id {server-number} not found
404 BOOT_NOT_AVAILABLE No boot configuration available for this server


@deprecated GET /boot/{server-ip}/vnc The main IPv4 address may be used alternatively to specify the server.

POST /boot/{server-number}/vnc

 curl -u "user:password" -d 'dist=centOS-5.0&lang=en_US'
    "@deprecated arch":32,


Activate VNC installation

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


Name Description
dist Distribution
@deprecated arch Architecture (optional, default: 64)
lang Language


vnc (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_ipv6_net (String) Server main IPv6 net address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
dist (String) Distribution
@deprecated arch (Integer) Architecture
lang (String) Language
active (Boolean) true
password (String) VNC installation password


Status Code Description
400 INVALID_INPUT Invalid input parameters
404 SERVER_NOT_FOUND Server with id {server-number} not found
404 BOOT_NOT_AVAILABLE No boot configuration available for this server
500 BOOT_ACTIVATION_FAILED Activation of the VNC installation failed due to an internal error


@deprecated POST /boot/{server-ip}/vnc The main IPv4 address may be used alternatively to specify the server.

DELETE /boot/{server-number}/vnc

curl -u "user:password" -X DELETE
    "@deprecated arch":[


Deactivate VNC installation

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


vnc (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_ipv6_net (String) Server main IPv6 net address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
dist (Array) Array of available distributions
@deprecated arch (Array) Array of available architectures
lang (Array) Array of available languages
active (Boolean) false
password (String) null


Status Code Description
404 SERVER_NOT_FOUND Server with id {server-number} not found
404 BOOT_NOT_AVAILABLE No boot configuration available for this server
500 BOOT_DEACTIVATION_FAILED Deactivation of the VNC installation failed due to an internal error


@deprecated DELETE /boot/{server-ip}/vnc The main IPv4 address may be used alternatively to specify the server.

GET /boot/{server-number}/windows

curl -u "user:password"


Query boot options for the windows installation

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


windows (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_ipv6_net (String) Server main IPv6 net address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
dist (Array|String) Array of available distributions or the active distributon
@deprecated arch (Array|Integer) Array of available architectures or the active architecture
lang (Array|String) Array of available languages or the active language
active (Boolean) Current Windows installation status
password (String) Current Windows installation password or null


Status Code Description
404 SERVER_NOT_FOUND Server with id {server-number} not found
404 BOOT_NOT_AVAILABLE No boot configuration available for this server
404 WINDOWS_OUTDATED_VERSION The windows version is not supported anymore


@deprecated GET /boot/{server-ip}/windows The main IPv4 address may be used alternatively to specify the server.

POST /boot/{server-number}/windows

curl -u "user:password" -d 'lang=en'


Activate Windows installation. You need to order the Windows addon for the server via the Robot webpanel first. After a reboot, the installation will start, and all data on the server will be deleted.

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


Name Description
lang Language


windows (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_ipv6_net (String) Server main IPv6 net address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
dist (String) Distribution
@deprecated arch (Integer) Architecture
lang (String) Language
active (Boolean) true
password (String) Windows installation password


@deprecated POST /boot/{server-ip}/windows The main IPv4 address may be used alternatively to specify the server.


Status Code Description
400 INVALID_INPUT Invalid input parameters
404 SERVER_NOT_FOUND Server with id {server-number} not found
404 BOOT_NOT_AVAILABLE No boot configuration available for this server
404 WINDOWS_MISSING_ADDON No windows addon found
404 WINDOWS_OUTDATED_VERSION The windows version is not supported anymore
500 BOOT_ACTIVATION_FAILED Activation of the windows installation failed due to an internal error

DELETE /boot/{server-number}/windows

curl -u "user:password" -X DELETE


Deactivate Windows installation

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


windows (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_ipv6_net (String) Server main IPv6 net address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
dist (Array) Array of available distributions
@deprecated arch (Array) Array of available architectures
lang (Array) Array of available languages
active (Boolean) false
password (String) null


Status Code Description
404 SERVER_NOT_FOUND Server with id {server-number} not found
404 BOOT_NOT_AVAILABLE No boot configuration available for this server
404 WINDOWS_OUTDATED_VERSION The windows version is not supported anymore
500 BOOT_DEACTIVATION_FAILED Deactivation of the windows installation failed due to an internal error


@deprecated DELETE /boot/{server-ip}/windows The main IPv4 address may be used alternatively to specify the server.

GET /boot/{server-number}/plesk

curl -u "user:password"
      "CentOS 5.4 minimal",
      "Debian 7.8 minimal"
    "@deprecated arch":[


Query boot options for the Plesk installation

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


plesk (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_ipv6_net (String) Server main IPv6 net address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
dist (Array|String) Array of available distributions or the active distributon
@deprecated arch (Array|Integer) Array of available architectures or the active architecture
lang (Array|String) Array of available languages or the active language
active (Boolean) Current Plesk installation status
password (String) Current Plesk installation password or null
hostname (String) Current Plesk installation hostname or null


Status Code Description
404 SERVER_NOT_FOUND Server with id {server-number} not found
404 BOOT_NOT_AVAILABLE No boot configuration available for this server
404 WINDOWS_OUTDATED_VERSION The windows version is not supported anymore


@deprecated GET /boot/{server-ip}/plesk The main IPv4 address may be used alternatively to specify the server.

POST /boot/{server-number}/plesk

curl -u "user:password" -d 'dist=CentOS 5.4 minimal&lang=de&'
    "dist":"CentOS 5.4 minimal",
    "@deprecated arch":32,


Activate Plesk installation

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


Name Description
dist Distribution
@deprecated arch Architecture (optional, default: 64)
lang Language
hostname Hostname


plesk (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_ipv6_net (String) Server main IPv6 net address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
dist (String) Distribution
@deprecated arch (Integer) Architecture
lang (String) Language
active (Boolean) true
password (String) Plesk installation password
hostname (String) Plesk installation hostname


Status Code Description
400 INVALID_INPUT Invalid input parameters
404 SERVER_NOT_FOUND Server with id {server-number} not found
404 BOOT_NOT_AVAILABLE No boot configuration available for this server
404 PLESK_MISSING_ADDON No plesk addon found
404 WINDOWS_OUTDATED_VERSION The windows version is not supported anymore
500 BOOT_ACTIVATION_FAILED Activation of the Plesk installation failed due to an internal error


@deprecated POST /boot/{server-ip}/plesk The main IPv4 address may be used alternatively to specify the server.

DELETE /boot/{server-number}/plesk

curl -u "user:password" -X DELETE
      "CentOS 5.4 minimal",
      "Debian 7.8 minimal"
    "@deprecated arch":[


Deactivate Plesk installation

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


plesk (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_ipv6_net (String) Server main IPv6 net address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
dist (Array) Array of available distributions
@deprecated arch (Array) Array of available architectures
lang (Array) Array of available languages
active (Boolean) false
password (String) null
hostname (String) null


Status Code Description
404 SERVER_NOT_FOUND Server with id {server-number} not found
404 BOOT_NOT_AVAILABLE No boot configuration available for this server
404 WINDOWS_OUTDATED_VERSION The windows version is not supported anymore
500 BOOT_DEACTIVATION_FAILED Deactivation of the Plesk installation failed due to an internal error


@deprecated DELETE /boot/{server-ip}/plesk The main IPv4 address may be used alternatively to specify the server.

GET /boot/{server-number}/cpanel

curl -u "user:password"
      "CentOS 5.6 + cPanel"
    "@deprecated arch":[


Query boot options for the cPanel installation

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


cpanel (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_ipv6_net (String) Server main IPv6 net address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
dist (Array|String) Array of available distributions or the active distributon
@deprecated arch (Array|Integer) Array of available architectures or the active architecture
lang (Array|String) Array of available languages or the active language
active (Boolean) Current cPanel installation status
password (String) Current cPanel installation password or null
hostname (String) Current cPanel installation hostname or null


Status Code Description
404 SERVER_NOT_FOUND Server with id {server-number} not found
404 BOOT_NOT_AVAILABLE No boot configuration available for this server


@deprecated GET /boot/{server-ip}/cpanel The main IPv4 address may be used alternatively to specify the server.

POST /boot/{server-number}/cpanel

curl -u "user:password" -d 'dist=CentOS 5.6 + cPanel&lang=en&'
    "dist":"CentOS 5.6 + cPanel",
    "@deprecated arch":64,


Activate cPanel installation

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


Name Description
dist Distribution
@deprecated arch Architecture (optional, default: 64)
lang Language
hostname Hostname


cpanel (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_ipv6_net (String) Server main IPv6 net address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
dist (String) Distribution
@deprecated arch (Integer) Architecture
lang (String) Language
active (Boolean) true
password (String) cPanel installation password
hostname (String) cPanel installation hostname


Status Code Description
400 INVALID_INPUT Invalid input parameters
404 SERVER_NOT_FOUND Server with id {server-number} not found
404 BOOT_NOT_AVAILABLE No boot configuration available for this server
404 CPANEL_MISSING_ADDON No cPanel addon found
500 BOOT_ACTIVATION_FAILED Activation of the cPanel installation failed due to an internal error


@deprecated POST /boot/{server-ip}/cpanel The main IPv4 address may be used alternatively to specify the server.

DELETE /boot/{server-number}/cpanel

curl -u "user:password" -X DELETE
      "CentOS 5.6 + cPanel"
    "@deprecated arch":[


Deactivate cPanel installation

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


plesk (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_ipv6_net (String) Server main IPv6 net address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
dist (Array) Array of available distributions
@deprecated arch (Array) Array of available architectures
lang (Array) Array of available languages
active (Boolean) false
password (String) null
hostname (String) null


Status Code Description
404 SERVER_NOT_FOUND Server with id {server-number} not found
404 BOOT_NOT_AVAILABLE No boot configuration available for this server
500 BOOT_DEACTIVATION_FAILED Deactivation of the cPanel installation failed due to an internal error


@deprecated DELETE /boot/{server-ip}/cpanel The main IPv4 address may be used alternatively to specify the server.

Reverse DNS

GET /rdns

curl -u "user:password"


Query all rDNS entries

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour

Input (optional)

Name Description
server_ip Server main IP address; show only reverse DNS entries assigned to this server


rdns (Object)
ip (String) IP address
ptr (String) PTR record


Status Code Description
404 NOT_FOUND No reverse DNS entries found

GET /rdns/{ip}

curl -u "user:password"


Query the current reverse DNS entry for one IP address

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


rdns (Object)
ip (String) IP address
ptr (String) PTR record


Status Code Description
404 IP_NOT_FOUND The IP address {ip} was not found
404 RDNS_NOT_FOUND The IP address {ip} has no reverse DNS entry yet

PUT /rdns/{ip}

curl -u "user:password" -d -X PUT


Create new reverse DNS entry for one IP address. Once the reverse DNS entry is successfully created, the status code 201 CREATED is returned.

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


Name Description
ptr PTR record


rdns (Object)
ip (String) IP address
ptr (String) PTR record


Status Code Description
400 INVALID_INPUT Invalid input parameters
404 IP_NOT_FOUND The IP address {ip} was not found
409 RDNS_ALREADY_EXISTS There is already an existing reverse DNS entry
500 RDNS_CREATE_FAILED Creating the reverse DNS entry failed due to an internal error

POST /rdns/{ip}

curl -u "user:password" -d


Update/create a reverse DNS entry for one IP. Once the reverse DNS entry is successfully created, the status code is set to 201 created. On succesfull updates, the status code is 200 OK.

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


Name Description
ptr PTR record


rdns (Object)
ip (String) IP address
ptr (String) PTR record


Status Code Description
400 INVALID_INPUT Invalid input parameters
404 IP_NOT_FOUND The IP address {ip} was not found
500 RDNS_CREATE_FAILED Creating the reverse DNS entry failed due to an internal error
500 RDNS_UPDATE_FAILED Updating the reverse DNS entry failed due to an internal error

DELETE /rdns/{ip}

curl -u "user:password" -X DELETE


Delete reverse DNS entry for one IP

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


No output


Status Code Description
404 IP_NOT_FOUND The IP address {ip} was not found
500 RDNS_DELETE_FAILED Deleting the reverse DNS entry failed due to an internal error
500 RDNS_UPDATE_FAILED Updating the reverse DNS entry failed due to an internal error


POST /traffic

Query traffic data for one IP

curl -u "user:password" \
  --data-urlencode 'type=month' \
  --data-urlencode 'from=2010-09-01' \
  --data-urlencode 'to=2010-09-31' \
  --data-urlencode 'ip='

Query traffic data for multiple IPs

curl -u "user:password" \ 
  --data-urlencode 'type=month' \
  --data-urlencode 'from=2010-09-01' \
  --data-urlencode 'to=2010-09-31' \
  --data-urlencode 'ip[]=' \
  --data-urlencode 'ip[]='

Query traffic data for subnet

curl -u "user:password" \
  --data-urlencode 'type=month' \
  --data-urlencode 'from=2010-09-01' \
  --data-urlencode 'to=2010-09-31' \
  --data-urlencode 'subnet=2a01:4f8:61:41a2::'

Query traffic data grouped by days for one IP

curl -u "user:password" \
  --data-urlencode 'type=month' \
  --data-urlencode 'from=2019-01-01' \
  --data-urlencode 'to=2019-01-07' \
  --data-urlencode 'ip=' \
  --data-urlencode 'single_values=true'


Query traffic data of IPs and subnets. There are three query types: "day", "month" and "year". With "day" you can query hourly aggregated traffic data within a day. With "month" you can query daily aggregated data within a month. And with "year" it is possible to get monthly aggregated data within a year.

Please note that the traffic data is only available once the specified hour, day or month has already passed.

The interval is given with the parameters "from" and "to" with the following syntax:

When using the query type "day", you must specify a date combined with a time value (hour). The hour value is separated from the date with the letter "T". When using the query type "month", you must specify a date without the time value. With query type "year", you must additionally leave out the day value.

IP addresses or subnets without traffic data are omitted in the response.

Using the parameter "single_values" it is possible to get the traffic data grouped by hours, days or month over the specified interval. For type "day" the data is grouped by hours, for type "month" by days and for type "year" by months.

Request limit

200 requests per 1 hour


Name Description
ip[] One or more IP addresses
subnet[] One or more subnet addresses
from Date/Time from
to Date/Time to
type Type of traffic query
single_values If set to "true" the traffic data is returned not as a sum over the whole interval but grouped by hour, day or month (optional)


traffic (Object)
type (String) Traffic query type
from (String) Date/Time from
to (String) Date/Time to
data (Object)
<IP address> (Object)
in (Number) traffic in (GB)
out (Number) traffic out (GB)
sum (Number) traffic sum (GB)
traffic (Object)
type (String) Traffic query type
from (String) Date/Time from
to (String) Date/Time to
data (Object)
<IP address> (Object)
<interval> (Object)
in (Number) traffic in (GB)
out (Number) traffic out (GB)
sum (Number) traffic sum (GB)


Status Code Description
400 INVALID_INPUT Invalid input parameters
404 NOT_FOUND No IP addresses or subnets found
500 INTERNAL_ERROR Traffic query failed due to an internal error

SSH keys

GET /key

curl -u "user:password"
      "data":"ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 AAAAE2VjZHNh ...",
      "created_at":"2021-12-31 23:59:59"
      "data":"ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1 ...",
      "created_at":"2021-12-31 23:59:59"


Query all SSH keys

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


key (Object)
name (String) Key name
fingerprint (String) Key fingerprint
type (String) Key algorithm type
size (Integer) Key size in bits
data (String) Key data in OpenSSH format
created_at (Date) Key creation date


Status Code Description
404 NOT_FOUND No keys found

POST /key

curl -u "user:password" \
--data-urlencode 'name=NewKey' \
--data-urlencode 'data=ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc+...'
    "data":"ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc+...",
    "created_at":"2021-12-31 23:59:59"


Add a new SSH key. Once the key is successfully added, the status code 201 CREATED is returned.

Request limit

200 requests per 1 hour


Name Description
name SSH key name
data SSH key data in OpenSSH or SSH2 format


key (Object)
name (String) Key name
fingerprint (String) Key fingerprint
type (String) Key algorithm type
size (Integer) Key size in bits
data (String) Key data in OpenSSH format
created_at (Date) Key creation date


Status Code Description
400 INVALID_INPUT Invalid input parameters
409 KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS The supplied key already exists
500 KEY_CREATE_FAILED Adding the key failed due to an internal error

GET /key/{fingerprint}

curl -u "user:password"
    "data":"ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1 ...",
    "created_at":"2021-12-31 23:59:59"


Query a specific SSH key

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


key (Object)
name (String) Key name
fingerprint (String) Key fingerprint
type (String) Key algorithm type
size (Integer) Key size in bits
data (String) Key data in OpenSSH format
created_at (Date) Key creation date


Status Code Description
404 NOT_FOUND Key not found

POST /key/{fingerprint}

curl -u "user:password" \
--data-urlencode 'name=MyTestKey'
    "data":"ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1 ...",
    "created_at":"2021-12-31 23:59:59"


Update the key name

Request limit

200 requests per 1 hour


Name Description
name SSH key name


key (Object)
name (String) Key name
fingerprint (String) Key fingerprint
type (String) Key algorithm type
size (Integer) Key size in bits
data (String) Key data in OpenSSH format
created_at (Date) Key creation date


Status Code Description
400 INVALID_INPUT Invalid input parameters
404 NOT_FOUND Key not found
500 KEY_UPDATE_FAILED Updating the key name failed due do an internal error

DELETE /key/{fingerprint}

curl -u "user:password" -X DELETE


Remove public key

Request limit

200 requests per 1 hour


No output


Status Code Description
404 NOT_FOUND Key not found
500 KEY_DELETE_FAILED Deleting the key failed due do an internal error

Server ordering



GET /order/server/product

curl -u "user:password"
      "name":"Dedicated Server EX60",
        "Intel\u00ae Core\u2122 i7-920 Quad-Core",
        "48 GB DDR3 RAM",
        "2 x 2 TB SATA 3 Gb\/s Enterprise HDD; 7200 rpm(Software-RAID 1)",
        "1 Gbit\/s bandwidth"
      "traffic":"30 TB",
        "Rescue system",
        "CentOS 6.6 minimal",
        "CentOS 7.0 minimal",
        "Debian 7.7 LAMP",
        "Debian 7.7 minimal",
        "openSUSE 13.2 minimal",
        "Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS minimal",
        "Ubuntu 14.10 minimal"
      "@deprecated arch":[
          "name":"Primary IPv4",
      "name":"Dedicated Server EX40",
        "Intel\u00ae Core\u2122 i7-4770 Quad-Core Haswell",
        "32 GB DDR3 RAM",
        "2 x 2 TB SATA 6 Gb\/s Enterprise HDD; 7200 rpm(Software-RAID 1)",
        "1 Gbit\/s bandwidth"
      "traffic":"30 TB",
        "Rescue system",
        "CentOS 6.6 minimal",
        "CentOS 7.0 minimal",
        "Debian 7.7 LAMP",
        "Debian 7.7 minimal",
        "openSUSE 13.2 minimal",
        "Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS minimal",
        "Ubuntu 14.10 minimal"
      "@deprecated arch":[
          "name":"Primary IPv4",


Product overview of currently offered standard server products

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour

Input (optional)

Name Description
min_price Minimum monthly price
max_price Maximum monthly price
min_price_setup Minimum one time fee
max_price_setup Maximum one time fee
location The desired location


product (Object)
id (String) Product ID
name (String) Product name
description (Array) Textual description
traffic (String) Free traffic quota
dist (Array) Available distributions
@deprecated arch (Array) Available distribution architectures
lang (Array) Available distribution languages
location (Array) Available locations
prices (Array)
location (String) Location
price (Object)
net (String) Monthly price in euros
gross (String) Monthly price in euros with VAT
hourly_net (String) Hourly price in euros, if the product is billed hourly, null otherwise
hourly_gross (String) Hourly price in euros with VAT, if the product is billed hourly, null otherwise
price_setup (Object)
net (String) One time fee in euros
gross (String) One time fee in euros with VAT
orderable_addons (Array)
id (String) Addon ID
name (String) Addon name
location (String) Location
min (Integer) Minimum orderable amount
max (Integer) Maximum orderable amount
prices (Array)
location (String) Location
price (Object)
net (String) Monthly price in euros
gross (String) Monthly price in euros with VAT
hourly_net (String) Hourly price in euros, if the product is billed hourly, null otherwise
hourly_gross (String) Hourly price in euros with VAT, if the product is billed hourly, null otherwise
price_setup (Object)
net (String) One time fee in euros
gross (String) One time fee in euros with VAT


Status Code Description
404 NOT_FOUND No products found

GET /order/server/product/{product-id}

curl -u "user:password"
    "name":"Dedicated Server EX40",
      "Intel\u00ae Core\u2122 i7-4770 Quad-Core Haswell",
      "32 GB DDR3 RAM",
      "2 x 2 TB SATA 6 Gb\/s Enterprise HDD; 7200 rpm(Software-RAID 1)",
      "1 Gbit\/s bandwidth"
    "traffic":"30 TB",
      "Rescue system",
      "CentOS 6.6 minimal",
      "CentOS 7.0 minimal",
      "Debian 7.7 LAMP",
      "Debian 7.7 minimal",
      "openSUSE 13.2 minimal",
      "Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS minimal",
      "Ubuntu 14.10 minimal"
    "@deprecated arch":[
        "name":"Primary IPv4",


Query a specific server product

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


product (Object)
id (String) Product ID
name (String) Product name
description (Array) Textual description
traffic (String) Free traffic quota
dist (Array) Available distributions
@deprecated arch (Array) Available distribution architectures
lang (Array) Available distribution languages
location (Array) Available locations
prices (Array)
location (String) Location
price (Object)
net (String) Monthly price in euros
gross (String) Monthly price in euros with VAT
hourly_net (String) Hourly price in euros, if the product is billed hourly, null otherwise
hourly_gross (String) Hourly price in euros with VAT, if the product is billed hourly, null otherwise
price_setup (Object)
net (String) One time fee in euros
gross (String) One time fee in euros with VAT
orderable_addons (Array)
id (String) Addon ID
name (String) Addon name
location (String) Location
min (Integer) Minimum orderable amount
max (Integer) Maximum orderable amount
prices (Array)
location (String) Location
price (Object)
net (String) Monthly price in euros
gross (String) Monthly price in euros with VAT
hourly_net (String) Hourly price in euros, if the product is billed hourly, null otherwise
hourly_gross (String) Hourly price in euros with VAT, if the product is billed hourly, null otherwise
price_setup (Object)
net (String) One time fee in euros
gross (String) One time fee in euros with VAT


Status Code Description
404 NOT_FOUND Product not found

GET /order/server/transaction

curl -u "user:password"
      "status":"in process",


        "name":"vServer VX6",
          "Single-Core CPU",
          "1 GB RAM",
          "25 GB HDD",
          "No telephone support"
        "traffic":"2 TB",
        "dist":"Rescue system",
        "@deprecated arch":"64",
        "name":"Dedicated Server EX40",
          "Intel\u00ae Core\u2122 i7-4770 Quad-Core Haswell",
          "32 GB DDR3 RAM",
          "2 x 2 TB SATA 6 Gb\/s Enterprise HDD; 7200 rpm(Software-RAID 1)",
          "1 Gbit\/s bandwidth"
        "traffic":"30 TB",
        "dist":"Debian 7.7 minimal",
        "@deprecated arch":"64",



Overview of all server orders within the last 30 days

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


transaction (Object)
id (String) Transaction ID
date (String) Transaction date
status (String) Transaction status, "ready", "in process" or "cancelled"
server_number (Integer) Server ID if transaction status is "ready", null otherwise
server_ip (String) Server main IP address if transaction status is "ready", null otherwise
authorized_key (Array) Array with supplied public SSH keys
host_key (Array) Array with servers public host keys
comment (String) Supplied order comment
product (Object)
id (String) Product ID
name (String) Product name
description (Array) Textual description
traffic (String) Free traffic quota
dist (String) Ordered distribution
@deprecated arch (Integer) Ordered distribution architecture
lang (String) Ordered distribution language
location (String) Ordered location
addons (Array)
(String) Addon ID


Status Code Description
404 NOT_FOUND No transactions found

POST /order/server/transaction

Order a IPv6-only server

curl -u "user:password" \
--data-urlencode 'product_id=EX40' \
--data-urlencode 'dist=Debian 7.7 minimal' \
--data-urlencode 'authorized_key[]=15:28:b0:03:95:f0:77:b3:10:56:15:6b:77:22:a5:bb'
    "status":"in process",

      "name":"Dedicated Server EX40",
        "Intel\u00ae Core\u2122 i7-4770 Quad-Core Haswell",
        "32 GB DDR3 RAM",
        "2 x 2 TB SATA 6 Gb\/s Enterprise HDD; 7200 rpm(Software-RAID 1)",
        "1 Gbit\/s bandwidth"
      "traffic":"30 TB",
      "dist":"Debian 7.7 minimal",
      "@deprecated arch":"64",


Order a server with Primary IPv4 addon

curl -u "user:password" \
--data-urlencode 'product_id=EX40' \
--data-urlencode 'dist=Debian 7.7 minimal' \
--data-urlencode 'authorized_key[]=15:28:b0:03:95:f0:77:b3:10:56:15:6b:77:22:a5:bb' \
--data-urlencode 'addon[]=primary_ipv4'
    "status":"in process",

      "name":"Dedicated Server EX40",
        "Intel\u00ae Core\u2122 i7-4770 Quad-Core Haswell",
        "32 GB DDR3 RAM",
        "2 x 2 TB SATA 6 Gb\/s Enterprise HDD; 7200 rpm(Software-RAID 1)",
        "1 Gbit\/s bandwidth"
      "traffic":"30 TB",
      "dist":"Debian 7.7 minimal",
      "@deprecated arch":"64",


Order a new server. If the order is successful, the status code 201 CREATED is returned.

Request limit

20 requests per day


Name Description
product_id Product ID
authorized_key[] One or more SSH key fingerprints (Optional, you can use either parameter "authorized_key" or parameter "password")
password Root password (Optional: you can use either parameter "authorized_key" or parameter "password")
location The desired location
dist Distribution name which should be preinstalled (optional)
@deprecated arch Architecture of preinstalled distribution (optional)
lang Language of preinstalled distribution (optional)
comment Order comment (optional); Please note that if a comment is supplied, the order will be processed manually.
addon[] Array of addon IDs (optional)
test The order will not be processed if set to "true" (optional)


transaction (Object)
id (String) Transaction ID
date (String) Transaction date
status (String) Transaction status, "ready", "in process" or "cancelled"
server_number (Integer) Server ID if transaction status is "ready", null otherwise
server_ip (String) Server main IP address if transaction status is "ready", null otherwise
authorized_key (Array) Array with supplied public SSH keys
host_key (Array) Array with servers public host keys
comment (String) Supplied order comment
product (Object)
id (String) Product ID
name (String) Product name
description (Array) Textual description
traffic (String) Free traffic quota
dist (String) Ordered distribution
@deprecated arch (Integer) Ordered distribution architecture
lang (String) Ordered distribution language
location (String) Ordered location
addons (Array)
(String) Addon ID


Status Code Description
400 INVALID_INPUT Invalid input parameters
412 PRECONDITION_FAILED Order cannot be accepted. Please place your order via the web frontend for further details.
500 INTERNAL_ERROR The transaction failed due to an internal error

GET /order/server/transaction/{id}

curl -u "user:password"
      "name":"Dedicated Server EX40",
        "Intel\u00ae Core\u2122 i7-4770 Quad-Core Haswell",
        "32 GB DDR3 RAM",
        "2 x 2 TB SATA 6 Gb\/s Enterprise HDD; 7200 rpm(Software-RAID 1)",
        "1 Gbit\/s bandwidth"
      "traffic":"30 TB",
      "dist":"Debian 7.7 minimal",
      "@deprecated arch":"64",


Query a specific order transaction

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


transaction (Object)
id (String) Transaction ID
date (String) Transaction date
status (String) Transaction status, "ready", "in process" or "cancelled"
server_number (Integer) Server ID if transaction status is "ready", null otherwise
server_ip (String) Server main IP address if transaction status is "ready", null otherwise
authorized_key (Array) Array with supplied public SSH keys
host_key (Array) Array with servers public host keys
comment (String) Supplied order comment
product (Object)
id (String) Product ID
name (String) Product name
description (Array) Textual description
traffic (String) Free traffic quota
dist (String) Ordered distribution
@deprecated arch (Integer) Ordered distribution architecture
lang (String) Ordered distribution language
location (String) Ordered location
addons (Array)
(String) Addon ID


Status Code Description
404 NOT_FOUND Transaction not found

GET /order/server_market/product

curl -u "user:password"
        "AMD Athlon 64 6000+ X2",
        "4x RAM 2048 MB DDR2",
        "2x HDD 750 GB SATA",
        "RAID Controller 2-Port SATA PCI - 3ware 8006-2LP"
      "traffic":"20 TB",
        "Rescue system"
      "@deprecated arch":[
      "cpu":"AMD Athlon 64 6000+ X2",
      "hdd_text":"ENT.HDD ECC INIC",
      "network_speed":"100 Mbit\/s",
      "next_reduce_date":"2018-05-01 12:22:00",
          "name":"Primary IPv4",
        "Intel Core i7 980x",
        "6x RAM 4096 MB DDR3",
        "2x SSD 120 GB SATA",
        "NIC 1000Mbit PCI - Intel Pro1000GT PWLA8391GT",
        "RAID Controller 4-Port SATA PCI-E - Adaptec 5405"
      "traffic":"20 TB",
        "Rescue system"
      "@deprecated arch":[
      "cpu":"Intel Core i7 980x",
      "hdd_text":"ESAS HWR",
      "network_speed":"200 Mbit\/s",
      "next_reduce_date":"2018-05-01 12:22:00",
          "name":"Primary IPv4",


Product overview of currently offered server market products

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


product (Object)
id (Integer) Product ID
name (String) Product name
description (Array) Textual description
traffic (String) Free traffic quota
dist (Array) Available distributions
@deprecated arch (Array) Available distribution architectures
lang (Array) Available distribution languages
cpu (String) CPU model name
cpu_benchmark (Integer) CPU benchmark value
memory_size (Integer) Main memory size in GB
hdd_size (Integer) Drive size in GB
hdd_text (String) Drive special tags
hdd_count (Integer) Drive count
datacenter (String) Data center
network_speed (String) Server network speed
price (String) Monthly price in euros
price_hourly (String) Hourly price in euros, if the product is billed hourly, null otherwise
price_setup (String) One time fee in euros
price_vat (String) Monthly price in euros with VAT
price_hourly_vat (String) Hourly price in euros with VAT, if the product is billed hourly, null otherwise
price_setup_vat (String) One time fee in euros with VAT
fixed_price (Boolean) Set to "true" if product has a fixed price
next_reduce (Integer) Countdown until next price reduction in seconds
next_reduce_date (String) Next price reduction date
orderable_addons (Array)
id (String) Addon ID
name (String) Addon name
location (String) Location
min (Integer) Minimum orderable amount
max (Integer) Maximum orderable amount
prices (Array)
location (String) Location
price (Object)
net (String) Monthly price in euros
gross (String) Monthly price in euros with VAT
hourly_net (String) Hourly price in euros, if the product is billed hourly, null otherwise
hourly_gross (String) Hourly price in euros with VAT, if the product is billed hourly, null otherwise
price_setup (Object)
net (String) One time fee in euros
gross (String) One time fee in euros with VAT


Status Code Description
404 NOT_FOUND No products found

GET /order/server_market/product/{product-id}

curl -u "user:password"
      "Intel Core i7 980x",
      "6x RAM 4096 MB DDR3",
      "2x SSD 120 GB SATA",
      "NIC 1000Mbit PCI - Intel Pro1000GT PWLA8391GT",
      "RAID Controller 4-Port SATA PCI-E - Adaptec 5405"
    "traffic":"20 TB",
      "Rescue system"
    "@deprecated arch":[
    "cpu":"Intel Core i7 980x",
    "hdd_text":"ENT.HDD ECC INIC",
    "network_speed":"100 Mbit\/s",
    "next_reduce_date":"2018-05-01 12:22:00",
        "name":"Primary IPv4",


Query a specific server market product

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


product (Object)
id (Integer) Product ID
name (String) Product name
description (Array) Textual description
traffic (String) Free traffic quota
dist (Array) Available distributions
@deprecated arch (Array) Available distribution architectures
lang (Array) Available distribution languages
cpu (String) CPU model name
cpu_benchmark (Integer) CPU benchmark value
memory_size (Integer) Main memory size in GB
hdd_size (Integer) Drive size in GB
hdd_text (String) Drive special tags
hdd_count (Integer) Drive count
datacenter (String) Data center
network_speed (String) Server network speed
price (String) Monthly price in euros
price_hourly (String) Hourly price in euros, if the product is billed hourly, null otherwise
price_setup (String) One time fee in euros
price_vat (String) Monthly price in euros with VAT
price_hourly_vat (String) Hourly price in euros with VAT, if the product is billed hourly, null otherwise
price_setup_vat (String) One time fee in euros with VAT
fixed_price (Boolean) Set to "true" if product has a fixed price
next_reduce (Integer) Countdown until next price reduction in seconds
next_reduce_date (String) Next price reduction date
orderable_addons (Array)
id (String) Addon ID
name (String) Addon name
location (String) Location
min (Integer) Minimum orderable amount
max (Integer) Maximum orderable amount
prices (Array)
location (String) Location
price (Object)
net (String) Monthly price in euros
gross (String) Monthly price in euros with VAT
hourly_net (String) Hourly price in euros, if the product is billed hourly, null otherwise
hourly_gross (String) Hourly price in euros with VAT, if the product is billed hourly, null otherwise
price_setup (Object)
net (String) One time fee in euros
gross (String) One time fee in euros with VAT


Status Code Description
404 NOT_FOUND Product not found

GET /order/server_market/transaction

curl -u "user:password"
      "status":"in process",


          "Intel Core i7 980x",
          "6x RAM 4096 MB DDR3",
          "2x HDD 1,5 TB SATA",
          "2x SSD 120 GB SATA"
        "traffic":"20 TB",
        "dist":"Rescue system",
        "@deprecated arch":"64",
        "cpu":"Intel Core i7 980x",
        "hdd_text":"ENT.HDD ECC INIC",
        "network_speed":"100 Mbit\/s",
        "next_reduce_date":"2018-05-01 12:22:00"
          "Intel Core i7 950",
          "6x RAM 2048 MB DDR3",
          "7x HDD 1,5 TB SATA"
        "traffic":"20 TB",
        "dist":"Rescue system",
        "@deprecated arch":"64",
        "cpu":"Intel Core i7 950",
        "hdd_text":"ENT.HDD ECC INIC",
        "network_speed":"100 Mbit\/s",
        "next_reduce_date":"2018-05-01 12:22:00"


Overview of all server orders within the last 30 days

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


transaction (Object)
id (String) Transaction ID
date (String) Transaction date
status (String) Transaction status, "ready", "in process" or "cancelled"
server_number (Integer) Server ID if transaction status is "ready", null otherwise
server_ip (String) Server main IP address if transaction status is "ready", null otherwise
authorized_key (Array) Array with supplied public SSH keys
host_key (Array) Array with servers public host keys
comment (String) Supplied order comment
product (Object)
id (Integer) Product ID
name (String) Product name
description (Array) Textual description
traffic (String) Free traffic quota
dist (String) Ordered distribution
@deprecated arch (String) Ordered distribution architecture
lang (String) Ordered distribution language
cpu (String) CPU model name
cpu_benchmark (Integer) CPU benchmark value
memory_size (Integer) Main memory size in GB
hdd_size (Integer) Drive size in GB
hdd_text (String) Drive special tags
hdd_count (Integer) Drive count
datacenter (String) Data center
network_speed (String) Server network speed
fixed_price (Boolean) true
next_reduce (Integer) 0
next_reduce_date (String) 2018-05-01 12:22:00


Status Code Description
404 NOT_FOUND No transactions found

POST /order/server_market/transaction

Order a IPv6-only server

curl -u "user:password" \
--data-urlencode 'product_id=283693' \
--data-urlencode 'authorized_key[]=15:28:b0:03:95:f0:77:b3:10:56:15:6b:77:22:a5:bb'
    "status":"in process",

        "Intel Core i7 980x",
        "6x RAM 4096 MB DDR3",
        "2x HDD 1,5 TB SATA",
        "2x SSD 120 GB SATA"
      "traffic":"20 TB",
      "dist":"Rescue system",
      "@deprecated arch":"64",
      "cpu":"Intel Core i7 980x",
      "hdd_text":"ENT.HDD ECC INIC",
      "network_speed":"100 Mbit\/s"


Order a server with Primary IPv4 addon

curl -u "user:password" \
--data-urlencode 'product_id=283693' \
--data-urlencode 'authorized_key[]=15:28:b0:03:95:f0:77:b3:10:56:15:6b:77:22:a5:bb' \
--data-urlencode 'addon[]=primary_ipv4'
    "status":"in process",

        "Intel Core i7 980x",
        "6x RAM 4096 MB DDR3",
        "2x HDD 1,5 TB SATA",
        "2x SSD 120 GB SATA"
      "traffic":"20 TB",
      "dist":"Rescue system",
      "@deprecated arch":"64",
      "cpu":"Intel Core i7 980x",
      "hdd_text":"ENT.HDD ECC INIC",
      "network_speed":"100 Mbit\/s"


Order a new server from the server market. If the order is successful, the status code 201 CREATED is returned.

Request limit

20 requests per day


Name Description
product_id Product ID
authorized_key[] One or more SSH key fingerprints (Optional, you can use either parameter "authorized_key" or parameter "password")
password Root password (Optional: you can use either parameter "authorized_key" or parameter "password")
dist Distribution name which should be preinstalled (optional)
@deprecated arch Architecture of preinstalled distribution (optional)
lang Language of preinstalled distribution (optional)
comment Order comment (optional); Please note that if a comment is supplied, the order will be processed manually.
addon[] Array of addon IDs (optional)
test The order will not be processed if set to "true" (optional)


transaction (Object)
id (String) Transaction ID
date (String) Transaction date
status (String) Transaction status, "ready", "in process" or "cancelled"
server_number (Integer) Server ID if transaction status is "ready", null otherwise
server_ip (String) Server main IP address if transaction status is "ready", null otherwise
authorized_key (Array) Array with supplied public SSH keys
host_key (Array) Array with servers public host keys
comment (String) Supplied order comment
product (Object)
id (Integer) Product ID
name (String) Product name
description (Array) Textual description
traffic (String) Free traffic quota
dist (String) Ordered distribution
@deprecated arch (String) Ordered distribution architecture
lang (String) Ordered distribution language
cpu (String) CPU model name
cpu_benchmark (Integer) CPU benchmark value
memory_size (Integer) Main memory size in GB
hdd_size (Integer) Drive size in GB
hdd_text (String) Drive special tags
hdd_count (Integer) Drive count
datacenter (String) Data center
network_speed (String) Server network speed
addons (Array)
(String) Addon ID


Status Code Description
400 INVALID_INPUT Invalid input parameters
412 PRECONDITION_FAILED Order cannot be accepted. Please place your order via the web frontend for further details.
500 INTERNAL_ERROR The transaction failed due to an internal error

GET /order/server_market/transaction/{id}

curl -u "user:password"
    "status":"in process",

        "Intel Core i7 980x",
        "6x RAM 4096 MB DDR3",
        "2x HDD 1,5 TB SATA",
        "2x SSD 120 GB SATA"
      "traffic":"20 TB",
      "dist":"Rescue system",
      "@deprecated arch":"64",
      "cpu":"Intel Core i7 980x",
      "hdd_text":"ENT.HDD ECC INIC",
      "network_speed":"100 Mbit\/s"


Query a specific order transaction

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


transaction (Object)
id (String) Transaction ID
date (String) Transaction date
status (String) Transaction status, "ready", "in process" or "cancelled"
server_number (Integer) Server ID if transaction status is "ready", null otherwise
server_ip (String) Server main IP address if transaction status is "ready", null otherwise
authorized_key (Array) Array with supplied public SSH keys
host_key (Array) Array with servers public host keys
comment (String) Supplied order comment
product (Object)
id (Integer) Product ID
name (String) Product name
description (Array) Textual description
traffic (String) Free traffic quota
dist (String) Ordered distribution
@deprecated arch (String) Ordered distribution architecture
lang (String) Ordered distribution language
cpu (String) CPU model name
cpu_benchmark (Integer) CPU benchmark value
memory_size (Integer) Main memory size in GB
hdd_size (Integer) Drive size in GB
hdd_text (String) Drive special tags
hdd_count (Integer) Drive count
datacenter (String) Data center
network_speed (String) Server network speed
addons (Array)
(String) Addon ID


Status Code Description
404 NOT_FOUND Transaction not found

GET /order/server_addon/{server-number}/product

curl -u "user:password"
      "name":"Additional IP address",
      "name":"Additional subnet \/29 (monthly charge)",


Product overview of available server addons for a server

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


product (Object)
id (String) Product ID
name (String) Product name
type (String) Product type
price (Object)
location (String) Location
price (Object)
net (String) Monthly price in euros
gross (String) Monthly price in euros with VAT
hourly_net (String) Hourly price in euros, if the product is billed hourly, null otherwise
hourly_gross (String) Hourly price in euros with VAT, if the product is billed hourly, null otherwise
price_setup (Object)
net (String) One time fee in euros
gross (String) One time fee in euros with VAT

GET /order/server_addon/transaction

curl -u "user:password"
      "status":"in process",
        "name":"Failover subnet \/29",

        "name":"Failover subnet \/29",


Overview of all addon orders within the last 30 days

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


transaction (Object)
id (String) Transaction ID
date (String) Transaction date
status (String) Transaction status, "ready", "in process" or "cancelled"
server_number (Integer) Server ID
product (Object)
id (String) Product ID
name (String) Product name
type (String) Product type
price (Object)
location (String) Location
price (Object)
net (String) Monthly price in euros
gross (String) Monthly price in euros with VAT
hourly_net (String) Hourly price in euros, if the product is billed hourly, null otherwise
hourly_gross (String) Hourly price in euros with VAT, if the product is billed hourly, null otherwise
price_setup (Object)
net (String) One time fee in euros
gross (String) One time fee in euros with VAT
resources (Array)
type Type of resource
id Resource ID

POST /order/server_addon/transaction

Order a single additional IPv4 address for server 123

curl -u "user:password" \
--data-urlencode 'server_number=123' \
--data-urlencode 'reason=VPS' \
--data-urlencode 'product_id=additional_ipv4'
    "status":"in process",
      "name":"Additional IP address",


Order an IPv4 /29 subnet for server 123 and set routing to additional IP

curl -u "user:password" \
--data-urlencode 'server_number=123' \
--data-urlencode 'product_id=additional_ipv4' \
--data-urlencode 'reason=VPS' \
--data-urlencode 'gateway='
    "status":"in process",
      "name":"Additional subnet \/29 (monthly charge)",



Order an addon for a server. If the order is successful, the status code 201 CREATED will be returned.

Request limit

20 requests per day


Name Description
product_id Product ID
server_number Server ID
reason RIPE reason: mandatory for addon types "ip_ipv4", "subnet_ipv4" and "failover_subnet_ipv4"
gateway Routing target for subnets: usable for addon type "subnet_ipv4" (Optional: default is the server's primary IP address)
test The order will not be processed if set to "true" (optional)


transaction (Object)
id (String) Transaction ID
date (String) Transaction date
status (String) Transaction status, "ready", "in process" or "cancelled"
server_number (Integer) Server ID
product (Object)
id (String) Product ID
name (String) Product name
type (String) Product type
price (Object)
location (String) Location
price (Object)
net (String) Monthly price in euros
gross (String) Monthly price in euros with VAT
hourly_net (String) Hourly price in euros, if the product is billed hourly, null otherwise
hourly_gross (String) Hourly price in euros with VAT, if the product is billed hourly, null otherwise
price_setup (Object)
net (String) One time fee in euros
gross (String) One time fee in euros with VAT
resources (Array)
type Type of resource
id Resource ID


Status Code Description
400 INVALID_INPUT Invalid input parameters
409 CONFLICT The transaction cannot be processed due to the reason mentioned in the error message
412 PRECONDITION_FAILED Order cannot be accepted. Please place your order via the web frontend for further details.
500 INTERNAL_ERROR The transaction failed due to an internal error

GET /order/server_addon/transaction/{id}

curl -u "user:password"
    "status":"in process",
      "name":"Failover subnet \/29",



Query a specific order transaction

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


transaction (Object)
id (String) Transaction ID
date (String) Transaction date
status (String) Transaction status, "ready", "in process" or "cancelled"
server_number (Integer) Server ID
product (Object)
id (String) Product ID
name (String) Product name
type (String) Product type
price (Object)
location (String) Location
price (Object)
net (String) Monthly price in euros
gross (String) Monthly price in euros with VAT
hourly_net (String) Hourly price in euros, if the product is billed hourly, null otherwise
hourly_gross (String) Hourly price in euros with VAT, if the product is billed hourly, null otherwise
price_setup (Object)
net (String) One time fee in euros
gross (String) One time fee in euros with VAT
resources (Array)
type (String) Type of resource
id (String) Resource ID


Status Code Description
404 NOT_FOUND Transaction not found

GET /order/currency

curl -u "user:password"


Query the currency of the account

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


currency (String) Currency code

Storage Box

GET /storagebox

curl -u "user:password"
      "name":"Backup Server 1",
curl -u "user:password" -d linked_server=123456
    "name":"Backup Server 1",


Query data of all Storage Boxes

Request limit

200 requests per 1 hour


Name Description
linked_server Linked Server ID


storagebox (Object)
id (Integer) Storage Box ID
login (String) User name
name (String) Name of the Storage Box
product (String) Product name
cancelled (Boolean) Status of Storage Box cancellation
locked (Boolean) Status of locking
location (String) Location of Storage Box host
linked_server (Integer) Linked server id
paid_until (String) Paid until date


Status Code Description
404 STORAGEBOX_NOT_FOUND No Storage Boxes found

GET /storagebox/{storagebox-id}

curl -u "user:password"
    "name":"Backup Server 1",


Query data of a specific Storage Box

Request limit

200 requests per 1 hour


storagebox (Object)
id (Integer) Storage Box ID
login (String) User name
name (String) Name of the Storage Box
product (String) Product name
cancelled (Boolean) Status of Storage Box cancellation
locked (Boolean) Status of locking
location (String) Location of Storage Box host
linked_server (Integer) Linked server id
paid_until (String) Paid until date
disk_quota (Integer) Total space in MB
disk_usage (Integer) Used space in MB
disk_usage_data (Integer) Used space by data in MB
disk_usage_snapshots (Integer) Used space by snapshots in MB
webdav (Boolean) Status of WebDAV
samba (Boolean) Status of Samba
ssh (Boolean) Status of SSH-Support
external_reachability (Boolean) Status of external reachability
zfs (Boolean) Status of ZFS directory
server (String) Server
host_system (String) Identifier of Storage Box host


Status Code Description
404 STORAGEBOX_NOT_FOUND Storage Box with ID {storagebox-id} not found

POST /storagebox/{storagebox-id}

curl -u "user:password" -d storagebox_name=backup1
    "name":"Backup Server 1",


Update a specific Storage Box

Request limit

1 request per 5 seconds


Name Description
storagebox_name Name of the Storage Box
samba Status of Samba
webdav Status of WebDAV
ssh Status of SSH-Support
external_reachability Status of external reachability
zfs Status of ZFS directory


storagebox (Object)
id (Integer) Storage Box ID
login (String) User name
name (String) Name of the Storage Box
product (String) Product name
cancelled (Boolean) Status of Storage Box cancellation
locked (Boolean) Status of locking
location (String) Location of Storage Box host
linked_server (Integer) Linked server id
paid_until (String) Paid until date
disk_quota (Integer) Total space in MB
disk_usage (Integer) Used space in MB
disk_usage_data (Integer) Used space by data in MB
disk_usage_snapshots (Integer) Used space by snapshots in MB
webdav (Boolean) Status of WebDAV
samba (Boolean) Status of Samba
ssh (Boolean) Status of SSH-Support
external_reachability (Boolean) Status of external reachability
zfs (Boolean) Status of ZFS directory
server (String) Server
host_system (String) Identifier of Storage Box host


Status Code Description
400 INVALID_INPUT Invalid input parameters
404 STORAGEBOX_NOT_FOUND Storage Box with ID {storagebox-id} not found

POST /storagebox/{storagebox-id}/password

Generate a random password

curl -u "user:password" -X POST

Provide a custom password

curl -u "user:password" -d password=TVUlzspV3YhfSJch


Reset password of storage box. By default, Robot generates a random password. Optionally, you may choose to provide your own password. Please make sure that you pick a password that complies with our password guideline:

Request limit

1 request per 5 seconds


Name Description
password (String / null) The password to be used. Robot generates a random password if the parameter is omitted


password (String) Updated password of the storage box


Status Code Description
404 STORAGEBOX_NOT_FOUND Storage Box with ID {storagebox-id} not found
409 STORAGEBOX_INVALID_PASSWORD The chosen password has been considered insecure or does not comply with our password guideline

GET /storagebox/{storagebox-id}/snapshot

curl -u "user:password"


Query snapshots of a specific Storage Box

Request limit

200 requests per 1 hour


snapshot (Object)
name (String) Snapshot name
timestamp (String) Timestamp of snapshot in UTC
size (Integer) Snapshot size in MB
filesystem_size (Integer) Size of the Storage Box at creation time of the snapshot in MB
automatic (Boolean) True if snapshot has been automatically created
comment (String) Comment for the snapshot


Status Code Description
404 STORAGEBOX_NOT_FOUND Storage Box with ID {storagebox-id} not found

POST /storagebox/{storagebox-id}/snapshot

curl -u "user:password" -X POST


Create new snapshot of a specific Storage Box

Request limit

1 request per 5 seconds


snapshot (Object)
name (String) Snapshot name
timestamp (String) Timestamp of snapshot in UTC
size (Integer) Snapshot size in MB


Status Code Description
404 STORAGEBOX_NOT_FOUND Storage Box with ID {storagebox-id} not found
409 SNAPSHOT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED Snapshot limit exceeded

DELETE /storagebox/{storagebox-id}/snapshot/{snapshot-name}

curl -u "user:password" \


Delete snapshot

Request limit

1 request per 5 seconds


Status Code Description
404 STORAGEBOX_NOT_FOUND Storage Box with ID {storagebox-id} not found
404 SNAPSHOT_NOT_FOUND Snapshot with name {snapshot-name} not found

POST /storagebox/{storagebox-id}/snapshot/{snapshot-name}

curl -u "user:password" \
-d revert=true


Revert to snapshot

Request limit

1 request per 5 seconds


Name Description
revert Must be set to "true" to revert the snapshot


Status Code Description
400 INVALID_INPUT Invalid input parameters
404 STORAGEBOX_NOT_FOUND Storage Box with ID {storagebox-id} not found
404 SNAPSHOT_NOT_FOUND Snapshot with name {snapshot-name} not found

POST /storagebox/{storagebox-id}/snapshot/{snapshot-name}/comment

curl -u "user:password" -X POST


Set comment of a specific snapshot

Request limit

1 request per 5 seconds


Name Description
comment Comment for the snapshot


Status Code Description
404 STORAGEBOX_NOT_FOUND Storage Box with ID {storagebox-id} not found
404 SNAPSHOT_NOT_FOUND Snapshot with name {snapshot-name} not found

GET /storagebox/{storagebox-id}/snapshotplan

curl -u "user:password"


Query data of the snapshot plan of a specific Storage Box

Request limit

200 requests per 1 hour


storagebox (Object)
status (String) Status of the snapshot plan
minute (Integer / null) Minute of the execution or null if plan is deactivated
hour (Integer / null) Hour of the execution or null if plan is deactivated
day_of_week (Integer / null) Weekday of the execution or null if plan is deactivated or value is not set (1 = Monday, ... , 7 = Sunday)
day_of_month (Integer / null) Monthday of the execution or null if plan is deactivated or value is not set (1 = First day of month)
month (Integer / null) Month of the execution or null if plan is deactivated or value is not set (1 = January)
max_snapshots (Integer) Maximum number of automatic snapshots of this plan

The date and time parameters are in UTC


Status Code Description
404 STORAGEBOX_NOT_FOUND Storage Box with ID {storagebox-id} not found

POST /storagebox/{storagebox-id}/snapshotplan

curl -u "user:password" -d status=enabled -d hour=7 -d minute=19


Edit data of the snapshot plan of a specific Storage Box

Request limit

1 request per 5 seconds


status New status of the snapshot plan
minute Minute of execution. Only required if the plan is enabled
hour Hour of execution. Only required if the plan is enabled
day_of_week Weekday of execution (1 = Monday, ... , 7 = Sunday)
day_of_month Monthday of execution (1 = First day of month)
month Month of execution (1 = January)
max_snapshots Maximum number of automatic snapshots of this plan

The date and time parameters are in UTC


storagebox (Object)
status (String) Status of the snapshot plan
minute (Integer / null) Minute of the execution or null if plan is deactivated
hour (Integer / null) Hour of the execution or null if plan is deactivated
day_of_week (Integer / null) Weekday of the execution or null if plan is deactivated or value is not set (1 = Monday, ... , 7 = Sunday)
day_of_month (Integer / null) Monthday of the execution or null if plan is deactivated or value is not set (1 = First day of month)
month (Integer / null) Month of the execution or null if plan is deactivated or value is not set (1 = January)
max_snapshots (Integer) Maximum number of automatic snapshots of this plan


Status Code Description
404 STORAGEBOX_NOT_FOUND Storage Box with ID {storagebox-id} not found

GET /storagebox/{storagebox-id}/subaccount

curl -u "user:password"
      "createtime":"2017-05-24 13:16:45",


Query data of all sub-accounts of a specific Storage Box

Request limit

200 requests per 1 hour


subaccount (Object)
username (String) Username of the sub-account
accountid (String) Username of the main user
server (String) Server
homedirectory (String) Homedirectory of the sub-account
samba (Boolean) Status of Samba
ssh (Boolean) Status of SSH-Support
external_reachability (Boolean) Status of external reachability
webdav (Boolean) Status of WebDAV
readonly (Boolean) Status of the readonly mode
createtime (String) Time when the sub-account was created
comment (String) Custom comment fot the sub-account


Status Code Description
404 STORAGEBOX_NOT_FOUND Storage Box with ID {storagebox-id} not found

POST /storagebox/{storagebox-id}/subaccount

curl -u "user:password" -d homedirectory=test


Creates a sub-account. By default, Robot generates a random password. Optionally, you may choose to provide your own password. Please make sure that you pick a password that complies with our password guideline:

Request limit

1 request per 5 seconds


Name Description
homedirectory Homedirectory of the sub-account
samba Status of Samba
ssh Status of SSH-Support
external_reachability Status of external reachability
webdav Status of WebDAV
readonly Status of the readonly mode
comment Custom comment
password (String / null) The password to be used. Robot generates a random password if the parameter is omitted


subaccount (Object)
username (String) Username of the sub-account
password (String) Password of the sub-account
accountid (String) Username of the main user
server (String) Server
homedirectory (String) Homedirectory of the sub-account


Status Code Description
404 STORAGEBOX_NOT_FOUND Storage Box with ID {storagebox-id} not found
409 STORAGEBOX_INVALID_PASSWORD The chosen password has been considered insecure or does not comply with our password guideline

PUT /storagebox/{storagebox-id}/subaccount/{sub-account-username}

curl -u "user:password" -X PUT -d homedirectory=test


Update sub-account

Request limit

1 request per 5 seconds


Name Description
homedirectory Homedirectory of the sub-account
samba Status of Samba
ssh Status of SSH-Support
external_reachability Status of external reachability
webdav Status of WebDAV
readonly Status of the readonly mode
comment Custom comment


Status Code Description
404 STORAGEBOX_NOT_FOUND Storage Box with ID {storagebox-id} not found

DELETE /storagebox/{storagebox-id}/subaccount/{sub-account-username}

curl -u "user:password" \


Delete sub-account

Request limit

1 request per 5 seconds


Status Code Description
404 STORAGEBOX_NOT_FOUND Storage Box with ID {storagebox-id} not found

POST /storagebox/{storagebox-id}/subaccount/{sub-account-username}/password

Generate a random password

curl -u "user:password" -X POST

Provide a custom password

curl -u "user:password" -d password=TVUlzspV3YhfSJch


Reset password of sub-account. By default, Robot generates a random password. Optionally, you may choose to provide your own password. Please make sure that you pick a password that complies with our password guideline:

Request limit

1 request per 5 seconds


Name Description
password (String / null) The password to be used. Robot generates a random password if the parameter is omitted


password (String) Updated password of the storage box


Status Code Description
404 STORAGEBOX_NOT_FOUND Storage Box with ID {storagebox-id} not found
409 STORAGEBOX_INVALID_PASSWORD The chosen password has been considered insecure or does not comply with our password guideline


GET /firewall/{server-id}

curl -u "user:password"
          "name":"rule 1",
            "name":"Allow all",


Get the firewall configuration for a server

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


firewall (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
status (String) Status of firewall
filter_ipv6 (Boolean) Flag indicating if IPv6 filter is active
whitelist_hos (Boolean) Flag of Hetzner services whitelisting
port (String) Switch port of firewall ('main' or 'kvm')
rules (Object)
input (Array)
ip_version (String) Internet protocol version ('ipv4' or 'ipv6')
name (String) Rule name
dst_ip (String) Destination IP address or subnet address (CIDR notation)
src_ip (String) Source IP address or subnet address (CIDR notation)
dst_port (String) Destination port or port range
src_port (String) Source port or port range
protocol (String) Protocol above IP layer
tcp_flags (String) TCP flag or logical combination of flags
action (String) Action if rule matches ('accept' or 'discard')
output (Array)
ip_version (String) Internet protocol version ('ipv4' or 'ipv6')
name (String) Rule name
dst_ip (String) Destination IP address or subnet address (CIDR notation)
src_ip (String) Source IP address or subnet address (CIDR notation)
dst_port (String) Destination port or port range
src_port (String) Source port or port range
protocol (String) Protocol above IP layer
tcp_flags (String) TCP flag or logical combination of flags
action (String) Action if rule matches ('accept' or 'discard')


Status Code Description
404 SERVER_NOT_FOUND Server with ID {server-id} not found
404 FIREWALL_PORT_NOT_FOUND Switch port not found
404 FIREWALL_NOT_AVAILABLE Firewall configuration is not available for this server


@deprecated GET /firewall/{server-ip} The main IPv4 address may be used alternatively to specify the server.

POST /firewall/{server-id}

Before encoding:

rules[input][0][name]=rule 1 (v4)&
rules[input][1][name]=Allow MySQL&
rules[output][0][name]=Allow all&

After encoding:

curl -u "user:password" \
--data-urlencode 'status=active' \
--data-urlencode 'whitelist_hos=true' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[input][0][name]=rule 1' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[input][0][ip_version]=ipv4' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[input][0][src_ip]=' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[input][0][dst_port]=80' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[input][0][action]=accept' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[input][1][name]=Allow MySQL' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[input][1][ip_version]=ipv4' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[input][1][dst_port]=3306' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[input][1][action]=accept' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[output][0][name]=Allow all' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[output][0][action]=accept'
    "status":"in process",
          "name":"rule 1",
          "name":"Allow MySQL",
          "name":"Allow all",


Apply a new firewall configuration

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


Name Description
status Change the status of the firewall ('active' or 'disabled')
filter_ipv6 Activate or deactivate the IPv6 filter ('true' or 'false', optional)
whitelist_hos Change the flag of Hetzner services whitelisting ('true' or 'false')
rules Firewall rules
template_id Template ID (not possible in combination with whitelist_hos and rules)

Rule data

Name Description
name Name for rule
ip_version IP version, ('ipv4', 'ipv6')
dst_ip Destination IPv4 address (only usable in combination with ip_version 'ipv4')
src_ip Source IPv4 address (only usable combination with ip_version 'ipv4')
dst_port Destination TCP/UDP port
src_port Source TCP/UDP port
protocol Protocol ('tcp', 'udp', 'gre', 'icmp', 'ipip', 'ah', 'esp')
tcp_flags TCP flags
action Action ('discard', 'accept')

Limitations IPv6


firewall (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
status (String) Status of firewall
filter_ipv6 (Boolean) Flag indicating if IPv6 filter is active
whitelist_hos (Boolean) Flag of Hetzner services whitelisting
port (String) Switch port of firewall ('main' or 'kvm')
rules (Object)
input (Array)
ip_version (String) Internet protocol version ('ipv4' or 'ipv6')
name (String) Rule name
dst_ip (String) Destination IP address or subnet address (CIDR notation)
src_ip (String) Source IP address or subnet address (CIDR notation)
dst_port (String) Destination port or port range
src_port (String) Source port or port range
protocol (String) Protocol above IP layer
tcp_flags (String) TCP flag or logical combination of flags
action (String) Action if rule matches ('accept' or 'discard', required)
output (Array)
ip_version (String) Internet protocol version ('ipv4' or 'ipv6')
name (String) Rule name
dst_ip (String) Destination IP address or subnet address (CIDR notation)
src_ip (String) Source IP address or subnet address (CIDR notation)
dst_port (String) Destination port or port range
src_port (String) Source port or port range
protocol (String) Protocol above IP layer
tcp_flags (String) TCP flag or logical combination of flags
action (String) Action if rule matches ('accept' or 'discard', required)


Status Code Description
404 SERVER_NOT_FOUND Server with ID {server-id} not found
404 FIREWALL_PORT_NOT_FOUND Switch port not found
404 FIREWALL_NOT_AVAILABLE Firewall configuration is not available for this server
404 FIREWALL_TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND Template with ID {template_id} not found
409 FIREWALL_IN_PROCESS The firewall cannot be updated because a update is currently running
409 FIREWALL_RULE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED The firewall rule limit is exceeded
409 FIREWALL_CANNOT_BE_DISABLED The firewall cannot be disabled because internal rules are set


@deprecated POST /firewall/{server-ip} The main IPv4 address may be used alternatively to specify the server.

DELETE /firewall/{server-id}

curl -u "user:password" -X DELETE
    "status":"in process",



Clear firewall configuration of a server

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


No input


firewall (Object)
server_ip (String) Server main IP address
server_number (Integer) Server ID
status (String) Status of firewall
filter_ipv6 (Boolean) Flag indicating if IPv6 filter is active
whitelist_hos (Boolean) Flag of Hetzner services whitelisting
port (String) Switch port of firewall ('main' or 'kvm')
rules (Object)
input (Array)
ip_version (String) Internet protocol version ('ipv4' or 'ipv6')
name (String) Rule name
dst_ip (String) Destination IP address or subnet address (CIDR notation)
src_ip (String) Source IP address or subnet address (CIDR notation)
dst_port (String) Destination port or port range
src_port (String) Source port or port range
protocol (String) Protocol above IP layer
tcp_flags (String) TCP flag or logical combination of flags
action (String) Action if rule matches ('accept' or 'discard')
output (Array)
ip_version (String) Internet protocol version ('ipv4' or 'ipv6')
name (String) Rule name
dst_ip (String) Destination IP address or subnet address (CIDR notation)
src_ip (String) Source IP address or subnet address (CIDR notation)
dst_port (String) Destination port or port range
src_port (String) Source port or port range
protocol (String) Protocol above IP layer
tcp_flags (String) TCP flag or logical combination of flags
action (String) Action if rule matches ('accept' or 'discard')


Status Code Description
404 SERVER_NOT_FOUND Server with ID {server-id} not found
404 FIREWALL_PORT_NOT_FOUND Switch port not found
404 FIREWALL_NOT_AVAILABLE Firewall configuration is not available for this server
409 FIREWALL_IN_PROCESS The firewall cannot be updated because a update is currently running
409 FIREWALL_RULE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED The firewall rule limit is exceeded
409 FIREWALL_CANNOT_BE_DISABLED The firewall cannot be disabled because internal rules are set


@deprecated DELETE /firewall/{server-ip} The main IPv4 address may be used alternatively to specify the server.

GET /firewall/template

curl -u "user:password"
      "name":"My template",
      "name":"My second template",


Get list of available firewall templates

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


firewall_template (Object)
id (Integer) ID of firewall template
name (String) Name of firewall template
filter_ipv6 (Boolean) Flag indicating if IPv6 filter is active
whitelist_hos (Boolean) Flag of Hetzner services whitelisting
is_default (Boolean) If true the template is selected by default in the Robot webpanel


Status Code Description
404 NOT_FOUND No firewall templates found

POST /firewall/template

curl -u "user:password" \
--data-urlencode 'name=My new template' \
--data-urlencode 'filter_ipv6=false' \
--data-urlencode 'whitelist_hos=true' \
--data-urlencode 'is_default=false' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[input][0][name]=rule 1' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[input][0][ip_version]=ipv4' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[input][0][src_ip]=' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[input][0][dst_port]=80' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[input][0][action]=accept' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[input][1][name]=Allow MySQL' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[input][1][ip_version]=ipv4' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[input][1][dst_port]=3306' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[input][1][action]=accept' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[output][0][name]=Allow all' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[output][0][action]=accept'
          "name":"rule 1",
          "name":"Allow MySQL",
          "name":"Allow all",


Create a new firewall template

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


Name Description
name Template name
filter_ipv6 Activate or deactivate the IPv6 filter ('true' or 'false', optional)
whitelist_hos Flag of Hetzner services whitelisting
is_default If true the template is selected by default in the Robot webpanel
rules Firewall rules

Details about the 'rules' parameter are described at POST /firewall/{server-id}


firewall_template (Object)
id (Integer) ID of firewall template
name (String) Name of firewall template
filter_ipv6 (Boolean) Flag indicating if IPv6 filter is active
whitelist_hos (Boolean) Flag of Hetzner services whitelisting
is_default (Boolean) If true the template is selected by default in the Robot webpanel
rules (Object)
input (Array)
ip_version (String) Internet protocol version ('ipv4' or 'ipv6')
name (String) Rule name
dst_ip (String) Destination IP address or subnet address (CIDR notation)
src_ip (String) Source IP address or subnet address (CIDR notation)
dst_port (String) Destination port or port range
src_port (String) Source port or port range
protocol (String) Protocol above IP layer
tcp_flags (String) TCP flag or logical combination of flags
action (String) Action if rule matches ('accept' or 'discard')
output (Array)
ip_version (String) Internet protocol version ('ipv4' or 'ipv6')
name (String) Rule name
dst_ip (String) Destination IP address or subnet address (CIDR notation)
src_ip (String) Source IP address or subnet address (CIDR notation)
dst_port (String) Destination port or port range
src_port (String) Source port or port range
protocol (String) Protocol above IP layer
tcp_flags (String) TCP flag or logical combination of flags
action (String) Action if rule matches ('accept' or 'discard')

GET /firewall/template/{template-id}

curl -u "user:password"
          "name":"rule 1",
          "name":"Allow MySQL",
          "name":"Allow all",


Get a specific firewall template

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


firewall_template (Object)
id (Integer) ID of firewall template
name (String) Name of firewall template
filter_ipv6 (Boolean) Flag indicating if IPv6 filter is active
whitelist_hos (Boolean) Flag of Hetzner services whitelisting
is_default (Boolean) If true the template is selected by default in the Robot webpanel
rules (Object)
input (Array)
ip_version (String) Internet protocol version ('ipv4' or 'ipv6')
name (String) Rule name
dst_ip (String) Destination IP address or subnet address (CIDR notation)
src_ip (String) Source IP address or subnet address (CIDR notation)
dst_port (String) Destination port or port range
src_port (String) Source port or port range
protocol (String) Protocol above IP layer
tcp_flags (String) TCP flag or logical combination of flags
action (String) Action if rule matches ('accept' or 'discard')
output (Array)
ip_version (String) Internet protocol version ('ipv4' or 'ipv6')
name (String) Rule name
dst_ip (String) Destination IP address or subnet address (CIDR notation)
src_ip (String) Source IP address or subnet address (CIDR notation)
dst_port (String) Destination port or port range
src_port (String) Source port or port range
protocol (String) Protocol above IP layer
tcp_flags (String) TCP flag or logical combination of flags
action (String) Action if rule matches ('accept' or 'discard')


Status Code Description
404 NOT_FOUND Firewall template not found

POST /firewall/template/{template-id}

curl -u "user:password" \
--data-urlencode 'name=My new template' \
--data-urlencode 'filter_ipv6=false' \
--data-urlencode 'whitelist_hos=true' \
--data-urlencode 'is_default=false' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[input][0][name]=rule 1' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[input][0][ip_version]=ipv4' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[input][0][src_ip]=' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[input][0][dst_port]=80' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[input][0][action]=accept' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[input][1][name]=Allow MySQL' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[input][1][ip_version]=ipv4' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[input][1][dst_port]=3306' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[input][1][action]=accept' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[input][2][name]=Allow HTTPS' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[input][2][ip_version]=ipv4' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[input][2][dst_port]=443' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[input][2][protocol]=tcp' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[input][2][action]=accept' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[output][0][name]=Allow all' \
--data-urlencode 'rules[output][0][action]=accept'
          "name":"rule 1",
          "name":"Allow MySQL",
          "name":"Allow HTTPS",
          "name":"Allow all",


Update a firewall template

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


Name Description
name Template name
filter_ipv6 Activate or deactivate the IPv6 filter ('true' or 'false', optional)
whitelist_hos Flag of Hetzner services whitelisting
is_default If true the template is selected by default in the Robot webpanel
rules Firewall rules

Details about the 'rules' parameter are described at POST /firewall/{server-id}


firewall_template (Object)
id (Integer) ID of firewall template
name (String) Name of firewall template
filter_ipv6 (Boolean) Flag indicating if IPv6 filter is active
whitelist_hos (Boolean) Flag of Hetzner services whitelisting
is_default (Boolean) If true the template is selected by default in the Robot webpanel
rules (Object)
input (Array)
ip_version (String) Internet protocol version ('ipv4' or 'ipv6')
name (String) Rule name
dst_ip (String) Destination IP address or subnet address (CIDR notation)
src_ip (String) Source IP address or subnet address (CIDR notation)
dst_port (String) Destination port or port range
src_port (String) Source port or port range
protocol (String) Protocol above IP layer
tcp_flags (String) TCP flag or logical combination of flags
action (String) Action if rule matches ('accept' or 'discard')
output (Array)
ip_version (String) Internet protocol version ('ipv4' or 'ipv6')
name (String) Rule name
dst_ip (String) Destination IP address or subnet address (CIDR notation)
src_ip (String) Source IP address or subnet address (CIDR notation)
dst_port (String) Destination port or port range
src_port (String) Source port or port range
protocol (String) Protocol above IP layer
tcp_flags (String) TCP flag or logical combination of flags
action (String) Action if rule matches ('accept' or 'discard')


Status Code Description
404 NOT_FOUND Firewall template not found

DELETE /firewall/template/{template-id}

curl -u "user:password" -X DELETE


Delete a firewall template

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


No input


No output


Status Code Description
404 NOT_FOUND Firewall template not found


GET /vswitch

curl -u "user:password"
    "name":"vswitch 1234",
    "name":"vswitch test",


Query data of all vSwitches

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


id (Integer) vSwitch ID
name (String) vSwitch name
vlan (Integer) VLAN ID
cancelled (Boolean) Cancellation status

POST /vswitch

curl -u "user:password" \
--data-urlencode 'vlan=4000' \
--data-urlencode 'name=my vSwitch'
  "name":"my vSwitch",





Create a new vSwitch

Request limit

100 requests per 1 hour


Name Description
name vSwitch name
vlan VLAN ID


id (Integer) vSwitch ID
name (String) vSwitch name
vlan (Integer) VLAN ID
cancelled (Boolean) Cancellation status
server (Array)
server_ip Server main IP address
server_ipv6_net (String) Server main IPv6 net address
server_number Server ID
status Status of vSwitch for this server ("ready", "in process", "failed")
subnet (Array)
ip (String) IP address
mask (Integer) Subnet mask in CIDR notation
gateway (String) Gateway
cloud_network (Array)
id (Integer) Cloud network ID
ip (String) IP address
mask (Integer) Subnet mask in CIDR notation
gateway (String) Gateway


Status Code Description
400 INVALID_INPUT Invalid input parameters
409 VSWITCH_LIMIT_REACHED The maximum count of vSwitches is reached

GET /vswitch/{vswitch-id}

curl -u "user:password"
  "name":"my vSwitch",


Query data of a specific vSwitch

Request limit

500 requests per 1 hour


id (Integer) vSwitch ID
name (String) vSwitch name
vlan (Integer) VLAN ID
cancelled (Boolean) Cancellation status
server (Array)
server_ip Server main IP address
server_ipv6_net (String) Server main IPv6 net address
server_number Server ID
status Status of vSwitch for this server ("ready", "in process", "failed")
subnet (Array)
ip (String) IP address
mask (Integer) Subnet mask in CIDR notation
gateway (String) Gateway
cloud_network (Array)
id (Integer) Cloud network ID
ip (String) IP address
mask (Integer) Subnet mask in CIDR notation
gateway (String) Gateway


Status Code Description
404 NOT_FOUND vSwitch not found

POST /vswitch/{vswitch-id}

curl -u "user:password" \
--data-urlencode 'name=my new name'
--data-urlencode 'vlan=4001'


Change the name or the VLAN ID of a vSwitch

Request limit

100 requests per 1 hour


Name Description
name vSwitch name
vlan VLAN ID


No output


Status Code Description
400 INVALID_INPUT Invalid input parameters
404 NOT_FOUND vSwitch not found
409 VSWITCH_IN_PROCESS The vSwitch cannot be updated because a update is currently running
409 VSWITCH_VLAN_NOT_UNIQUE The vSwitch cannot be updated because of a conflicting VLAN ID

DELETE /vswitch/{vswitch-id}

curl -u "user:password" -X DELETE \
--data-urlencode 'cancellation_date=2018-06-30'


Cancel a vSwitch

Request limit

100 requests per 1 hour


Name Description
cancellation_date Date to which the vSwitch should be cancelled (format yyyy-MM-dd) or "now" to cancel immediately


No output


Status Code Description
400 INVALID_INPUT Invalid input parameters
404 NOT_FOUND vSwitch not found
409 CONFLICT The vSwitch is already cancelled

POST /vswitch/{vswitch-id}/server

curl -u "user:password" \
--data-urlencode 'server[]='
--data-urlencode 'server[]='


Add one more servers to a vSwitch

Request limit

100 requests per 1 hour


Name Description
server One server identifier or array of server identifiers (server_number or server_ip)


No output


Status Code Description
400 INVALID_INPUT Invalid input parameters
404 NOT_FOUND vSwitch not found
404 SERVER_NOT_FOUND A submitted server is not found
404 VSWITCH_NOT_AVAILABLE The vSwitch feature is not available for a submitted server
409 VSWITCH_IN_PROCESS The vSwitch cannot be updated because a update is currently running
409 VSWITCH_VLAN_NOT_UNIQUE The vSwitch cannot be updated because of a conflicting VLAN ID
409 VSWITCH_SERVER_LIMIT_REACHED The maximum number of servers is reached for this vSwitch
409 VSWITCH_PER_SERVER_LIMIT_REACHED The maximum number of vSwitches is reached for a submitted server

DELETE /vswitch/{vswitch-id}/server

curl -u "user:password" \
--data-urlencode 'server[]='
--data-urlencode 'server[]='


Delete one more servers from a vSwitch

Request limit

100 requests per 1 hour


Name Description
server One server identifier or array of server identifiers (server_number or server_ip)


No output


Status Code Description
400 INVALID_INPUT Invalid input parameters
404 NOT_FOUND vSwitch not found
404 SERVER_NOT_FOUND A submitted server is not found
409 VSWITCH_IN_PROCESS The vSwitch cannot be updated because a update is currently running

PHP Client

There is a PHP client library available for download at You need PHP with libcurl support to use it.

require 'RobotRestClient.class.php';
require 'RobotClientException.class.php';
require 'RobotClient.class.php';

$robot = new RobotClient('', 'login', 'password');

// retrieve all failover ips
$results = $robot->failoverGet();

foreach ($results as $result)
  echo $result->failover->ip . "\n";
  echo $result->failover->server_ip . "\n";
  echo $result->failover->active_server_ip . "\n";

// retrieve a specific failover ip
$result = $robot->failoverGet('');

echo $result->failover->ip . "\n";
echo $result->failover->server_ip . "\n";
echo $result->failover->active_server_ip . "\n";

// switch routing
  $robot->failoverRoute('', '');
catch (RobotClientException $e)
  echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";